Aethelwulf wrote:Armilus wrote:Battle Shout
Battle shout causes 55 threat PER party member buffed with battle shout. This results in 411 threat (after stance and talent modifiers) divided among all mobs in combat; however, all party members must be within 20 yards to receive the battleshout buff.
You are assuming the number of party members is capped at 5, but you are forgetting about pets. You can't buff a Phase Shifted Imp (because it's AoE immune) but if you have any hunters in the party, your threat generation goes higher. In theory, it could even generate threat with item-summoned minions.
...Which would also mean that it adds 49.7 DPS to a Barov Peasant Caller. 62.1 if it's Improved Battle Shout.
I did say that it causes 55 threat per target buffed. The point of the guide is to explain game and class mechanics, not to delve into the best case scenarios for each ability.
The important thing to understand is that battleshout threat is divided among EACH enemy in combat where as demo shout threat is NOT. The more targets in combat, the worse battleshout becomes.
gotmilk0112 wrote:Yeah, that's something I was wondering about Battle Shout- is spamming it a good source of AoE threat?
Mostly concerned about those obnoxious packs of 5-6 mobs in early BRD.
It really depends on what you mean by "good". You aren't going to be able to just stand there spamming battleshout and expect to hold threat on 5-6 mobs over the DPS. You might keep threat off the healer though.
Keep in mind that healer threat is also divided among all the enemies in combat and once a mob is attacking you, other players have to exceed your threat by 10-30% before the mob will change targets. Using battle shout once right after you pull should keep threat off the healer initially.
When it comes to 5-6, trying to keep threat on all of them is pretty much a lost cause, especially if the DPS is all on different targets. For packs this big, they are pretty much never all elite. I would recommend using battleshout right after you pull, then focus on keeping agro on the elites and just keeping the rest off the healer. Tell the DPS to kill the non-elite mobs first and don't even bother trying to keep them off the DPS.
Your healer can easily heal through the damage of a non-elite mob as long as they aren't being attacked.
I look at it like this:
1) The healer has to heal or people die, they have little choice about when they generate threat
2) The healer has no control of where their threat goes, they heal and it builds threat on all mobs
3) If the healer is being attacked, they are getting spell push back and their healing is greatly reduced
4) DPS can choose which target to attack, they have full control of where their threat goes
5) If 1 DPS dies, you have 2 more. If the healer dies, it's likely a wipe.
6) Many mobs in 5man instances are not going to 1-shot melee dps
Based on the above, when tanking a 5 man your priorities should be:
1) Make sure nothing is attacking the healer
2) Make sure the elites are attacking you
3) Taunt off DPS if they are getting low on HP