Maximizing Raid Dps Question

Re: Maximizing Raid Dps Question

by vido » Fri Jan 15, 2016 6:30 pm

overpower should always be prioritized over BT if it's about to fall off.

If your world buffed/geared you're not supposed to mindlessly spam executes at 20%. With a fast mainhand or alliance side you're mainly going to get low rage executes, but the point is that BT and WW both do more damage per rage than execute if you're sitting at the 25 or 30 rage threshold. Ofcourse pooling the rage is generally a dps loss unless you get a swing close to the GCD so it's mandatory to have a swing timer.

This is a huge dps loss especially if you're using a 2h to spam executes. I'd like to mention that rather than swapping DW It's viable to stick with a BRE due to the proc and by utilising BT/WW you can get similar number or even better numbers on a short fight.

Also bear in mind that rage potting to full rage bar execute is a horrible waste. You can get a couple executes off when you reach 20% intially since you usually have some pooled depending how your swingtimer aligns with gcd. When a GCD is ending between swings, that's when you rage pot>BT>WW>Execute. Heroic Strike sub 20% is good too so you don't get capped while squeezing out a BT or WW.
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Re: Maximizing Raid Dps Question

by Armilus » Fri Jan 15, 2016 6:50 pm

vido wrote:overpower should always be prioritized over BT if it's about to fall off.

If your world buffed/geared you're not supposed to mindlessly spam executes at 20%. With a fast mainhand or alliance side you're mainly going to get low rage executes, but the point is that BT and WW both do more damage per rage than execute if you're sitting at the 25 or 30 rage threshold. Ofcourse pooling the rage is generally a dps loss unless you get a swing close to the GCD so it's mandatory to have a swing timer.

This is a huge dps loss especially if you're using a 2h to spam executes. I'd like to mention that rather than swapping DW It's viable to stick with a BRE due to the proc and by utilising BT/WW you can get similar number or even better numbers on a short fight.

Also bear in mind that rage potting to full rage bar execute is a horrible waste. You can get a couple executes off when you reach 20% intially since you usually have some pooled depending how your swingtimer aligns with gcd. When a GCD is ending between swings, that's when you rage pot>BT>WW>Execute. Heroic Strike sub 20% is good too so you don't get capped while squeezing out a BT or WW.

Are you talking about vael or the OP?

What do you mean by "overpower should always be prioritized over BT if it's about to fall off"? That doesn't make any sense to me.

Also this part "Heroic Strike sub 20% is good too so you don't get capped while squeezing out a BT or WW" doesn't make any sense. Are you saying that using heroic strike sub 20% is going to help prevent you from being threat capped? Because that is totally false. Heroic Strike has bonus threat and with threat cap you with less damage done.
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Re: Maximizing Raid Dps Question

by vido » Fri Jan 15, 2016 7:11 pm

No I'm not talking about vael obviously xD

Overpower is your highest damage attack on average it's 170%*(base damage + net ap /14*normalized speed) then another 10% on top due to impale. Delaying a BT in BiS gear currently by a global is a 320 damage loss, while overpower does 1100 with a DB, 1500 with a BRE. If you're any good at math it's not hard to work out that it's a dps loss to not use overpower.

Ok you win, I did the math and an overpower that blows a full rage and delays BT AND WW is a loss of 0.7 damage i.e 0.005 dps on a 2.5minute encounter if you translate lost rage into heroic strike damage. (BiS BWL gear DB MH Crul OH, all world buffs apart from songflower, horde side)

Oh yeah by overpower falling off I was referring to the 5s timer it's on after a dodge.
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Re: Maximizing Raid Dps Question

by Aslan » Fri Jan 15, 2016 9:14 pm

Vdo how about you come and play with us instead of calculating the 0.005? :D
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Re: Maximizing Raid Dps Question

by slipry » Sat Jan 16, 2016 6:25 am

everything you are posting in this thread explains why you guys are so low on the avg, even with your kill times
i would advise you don't take any of the advice posted in the last ~10 posts in this thread
also thats a big lol @ everything vido says, might be time to put the spreadsheet down and get into the game a bit, ull figure out almost everything you say doesnt translate to the game the way u think
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Re: Maximizing Raid Dps Question

by vido » Sat Jan 16, 2016 7:49 pm

@Scar, it only takes 2 minutes using a spreadsheet to come up with those numbers honestly xD

@ Slipry, I can't see how such simple advice wouldn't translate into the game like prioritizing overpower 3/3.5s after a dodge or using BT/WW if available (world buffed or WF proc with slow MH) rather than executing if you're at a certain rage threshold. If you're going to ignore all of that and stick to a trivial rotation you might as well be playing with a one button macro.

I find it funny how you dwell on those dps parses and assume someone is bad just by comparing realmplayers averages between factions and guilds while using outdated data at that in my case (pre 1.7). You sound like someone who has raidstats set to their homepage.
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Re: Maximizing Raid Dps Question

by Heldunder » Mon Jan 18, 2016 5:01 pm

vido wrote:@Scar, it only takes 2 minutes using a spreadsheet to come up with those numbers honestly xD

@ Slipry, I can't see how such simple advice wouldn't translate into the game like prioritizing overpower 3/3.5s after a dodge or using BT/WW if available (world buffed or WF proc with slow MH) rather than executing if you're at a certain rage threshold. If you're going to ignore all of that and stick to a trivial rotation you might as well be playing with a one button macro.

I find it funny how you dwell on those dps parses and assume someone is bad just by comparing realmplayers averages between factions and guilds while using outdated data at that in my case (pre 1.7). You sound like someone who has raidstats set to their homepage.

Sergeant Major
Sergeant Major

Re: Maximizing Raid Dps Question

by DanielGames » Mon Jan 25, 2016 7:14 am

I feel guilty necroing this thread but I figured it's the same topic as what I'm asking.

I'm close to 60 and I thought I had a clear understanding of the priority abilities for fury dps. However I spoke to multiple warriors with different answers so I figured I'd ask here.

Are op and hamstring(with windfury) worth using for dw fury or is it only useful for 2h fury?

Are these the right prioirities?

dw and 2h fury: execute > bt > op > ww > hamstring (windfury) > heroic strike (excess rage dump)
slam 2h fury: execute > bt > op > ww > slam (if swing timer lines up at gcd and excess rage) > hamstring (windfury)

Do priorities change as gear improves? I don't have microsoft excell so I can't use the spreadsheet I think.

Lastly, what's the magic ap needed to make bt better than execute per rage spent? Newb me did some newb math (1333 ap to do 600 damage with bt, times 3 times the rage cost = 4000ish ap, not including excess rage used up by execute). Doesn't seem reachable but I am a newb. I know this was a thing in tbc but I'm not so sure if it's reachable in vanilla.


I guess with 2h, op would prioritize over execute if your gear is good.
Last edited by DanielGames on Tue Jan 26, 2016 9:00 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Maximizing Raid Dps Question

by propergamer1978 » Mon Jan 25, 2016 7:41 am

I feel that both Vido's and Slipry's argument can be further dissected to squeeze out the optimal dps rotation for all gear capped or freshly raiding furies out there.

For example drinking the rage pot and then using the full rage bar for a BT WW execute instead of executing right away seems kinda valid? I'm not too certain and would love to hear more input from vices and dreamstate guys.

The overpower argument of sacrificing 40-50 rage for a high crit chance overpower while fully world buffed seems interesting as well.
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Re: Maximizing Raid Dps Question

by DanielGames » Mon Jan 25, 2016 8:01 am

propergamer1978 wrote:The overpower argument of sacrificing 40-50 rage for a high crit chance overpower while fully world buffed seems interesting as well.

Oh ya I guess another question is what would be a good rage cutoff point in not using overpower?
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