AoE Tanking: What's the rotation?

Re: AoE Tanking: What's the rotation?

by Problazer » Mon Feb 01, 2016 9:29 pm

I really hate using thunderclap on pretty much any pull. In my opinion it takes too long to switch to defensive stance after, it cost a lot of rage, and also does very poor threat. Finally if you have any damage reflection gear the attack slow not only lowers the amount of rage you will have during the fight but also lowers the amount of threat you will put out.

My preference is to charge/bloodrage and use one Battleshout or demo shout to get everything focused on you. Shield slam or sunder skull then start applying sunder on everything you can while tab/cleaving.

If you don't have a lot of rage ignore the cleave and focus on tab sunders. Save your taunt for anything that breaks off towards a healer or cloth dps. Keep mocking blow in your pocket for taking a mob off of a healer.

Depending on how many mobs you are tanking either tab/cleave and spam demo/battle shout or tab/cleave and spam sunder.

If you know you will hit your entire group with Battle shout use it instead of demo shout as it will cause more threat.

Ideally on a large AOE pull where you will have your party in range I like to open with the following: Battle shout and start tab/cleaving while applying 1 demo shout, then go back to spamming battle shout assuming you have your 4 party members in range. As mobs start to die begin working in sunders instead of using a shout.
Senior Sergeant
Senior Sergeant

Re: AoE Tanking: What's the rotation?

by psykeat » Tue Feb 02, 2016 8:53 am

from my point its as easy as this:
1.) get as many "reflect damage items" as you can get (Naglering, Razor Gauntlets, ...)
2.) When grouping with paladin, druid or warlock ask for the apropriate buffs (crusader aura, thorns and fireshield all help alot)
3.) rotation depends on what you are trying to tank but usually it goes down to:
3.1 charge if possible / have a group member range/cc pull and charge
3.2 thunder clap/whirlwind
3.3 in defstance use battle/demo shout
3.4 revenge should usually proc round this time, use it on skull (usually skull goes down pretty fast by then which allows you to completly ignore it)
3.5 tab/cleave/revenge/taunt as much as possible. if you dont have enough rage to cleave/tab every weapon swing consider using a few more offensive items in gear slots. Use slow >2.0s attack weapons.

If you still have problems consider the following:
- cc is always first priority
- consider investing those 3 points into improved cleave
- charge/thunder clap/def stance/demo shout rotation must be executed as fast as possible; if you fail to complete it before you receive your first heal usually things start going after the healer. your mob group splits up .. things get messy
- I usually tell my group before the first fight that they should wait with their attacks until i am in def stance (that shield above your character is a easy sign to watch for). Save your aoe taunt for those bigger mob packs (id say 6+).
- having at least a few +hit rating items in your gear slots makes aoe tanking much more reliant.
- rogues, offensive warriors, ret paladins, feral druids, hunter pets always make good off tanks on non hard hitting mobs
- if a certain dps is always attacking the wrong targets/not watching his threat/aoe attacking: name him, ask him not to do that, repeat a few times and if he still refuses to stop it consider kicking him. However, never kick people before naming/talking about their missbehaviors in group chat.
wurzlsepp - nostalrius pve

Re: AoE Tanking: What's the rotation?

by Turgon » Thu Feb 04, 2016 4:49 am

Tab target and sunder everything. Make sure people are only focusing one mob at a time and not spread.

Also revenge tab target mobs.
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Re: AoE Tanking: What's the rotation?

by Theloras » Thu Feb 04, 2016 5:01 am

Last edited by Leythia on Sat Feb 06, 2016 5:21 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: AoE Tanking: What's the rotation?

by zmandude24 » Thu Feb 04, 2016 3:09 pm

itwasfree wrote:I was struggle-busing last night trying to establish aggro on 5+ mobs.

Cleave only hits 2 at a time and consumes an auto.
Thunderclap does pitiful damage/threat.

My only tactic was to ask the dps to wait until I had sundered everything.

Spam demo shout and use cleave when you have excess rage. Also target the main target skull with your auto attacks (and hit the elites with a revenge or shield slam every now and again if there are one or a few elites with a bunch of regular enemies). Also get thorns on you and a shield with a thorium shield spike if you can.
Sergeant Major
Sergeant Major

Re: AoE Tanking: What's the rotation?

by smilkovpetko » Thu Feb 04, 2016 3:38 pm

AOE Tanking Rotation :

Boomkin and 5 people -
Retribution Paladin and raid -
Warrior Tank and 5 people -
Paladin Tank and 3 people -
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Re: AoE Tanking: What's the rotation?

by Aethelwulf » Thu Feb 04, 2016 10:02 pm

If you can afford to sacrifice a lot of survival in exchange for heavy AoE, you can try AoEing with a Ravager. In that case Fiery Blaze or Crusader makes a decent enchant.

Items like Crystal Charge (non-engineering grenade) and Crystal Spire (basically a thorns type buff) might be useful in addition to Oil of Immolation. For Thorns gear there's Heart of the Scale, Fetish of Chitinous Spikes, Essence of Pure Flame, Nagelring, and Razor Gauntlets for damage reflect. (Sulfaras reflects 5 fire but if you're going to get AoE threat with a 2H, use a Ravager.)

If you're an engineer you not only obtain grenades and Force Reactive Disk but also a Goblin Sapper Charge for more AoE aggro.
Senior Sergeant
Senior Sergeant

Re: AoE Tanking: What's the rotation?

by NorthernPower » Fri Feb 05, 2016 1:08 pm

psykeat wrote:from my point its as easy as this:
2.) When grouping with paladin, druid or warlock ask for the apropriate buffs (crusader aura, thorns and fireshield all help alot)

Do you mean ret aura?

Re: AoE Tanking: What's the rotation?

by smilkovpetko » Fri Feb 05, 2016 2:02 pm

NorthernPower wrote:
psykeat wrote:from my point its as easy as this:
2.) When grouping with paladin, druid or warlock ask for the apropriate buffs (crusader aura, thorns and fireshield all help alot)

Do you mean ret aura?

when grouping with paladin = let paladin do aoe job for you. simple as that.
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Re: AoE Tanking: What's the rotation?

by Memegank » Fri Feb 05, 2016 2:39 pm

Obvious bait attempt from Killerduki, do not entertain him.
Senior Sergeant
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