That's exactly my thought.
It's quite hard to find a good spec for pve
Thrashing wrote:Since we're talking specs, I'll throw some basic ones out there.
Basic Fury PvE spec: ... 452501c51r
(Note: for maximum PvE gain remove the point in Piercing Howl and use it to fill out 5/5 Imp Battle Shout. I personally don't do this because Piercing Howl is useful in 5 and 20man instances and makes you less of a sitting duck in any PvP you encounter.)
Basic Arms PvP spec: ... 5c0104005x
(Obvious weapon specialisations depend on your weapon. Taking Blood Craze instead of Imp Battle Shout is personal preference.)
2H Fury PvE: ... 025010251r
Arms PvE: ... 5050104c5x
These last 2 specs I just thought up in 10 seconds as I rarely spec into anything else than the basic Fury PvE and Arms PvP specs. I've quite possibly overlooked something obvious. But as a guideline it works.
Smorgeybork wrote:Do you think the hybrid 31/5/15 spec is viable compared to these? I want to be able to do multitask on my warrior without buying a spec switch every time I want to do something else.
Here's the build (axe spec for orc, can be whatever):
Thrashing wrote:Smorgeybork wrote:Do you think the hybrid 31/5/15 spec is viable compared to these? I want to be able to do multitask on my warrior without buying a spec switch every time I want to do something else.
Here's the build (axe spec for orc, can be whatever):
Link doesn't work, copy the url that's posted right above the talent trees, not in your webbrowser.
Regardless, I personally think that hybrid specs simply aren't really worth it. You can tank 5mans and offtank ZG/Molten Core just fine as Fury or Arms, provided you did put some effort into your gear.