I have a feeling that sword specialization was fixed. I got it lvl 5 for testing purposes, and Im tracking my hits. It is hard to track because when it procs the combat log doesnt inform of it at all.
Im using swingtimer addon and doing all the abilities after I land a white hit, just to be sure that if a new message of white hit pop up it's not an autoattack that proc it. I have tested it not so much as of now, but sometimes I got a white hit after Execute (if the target still alive) while have autoattack on cd. Another evidence is Sweeping Strikes+Whirlwind on multiple targets, once I got combat log displayed 2 white hits in between yellow messeges of WW/SS damage, WW+SS damage appear almost instantly in combat log, so I think it's not possible to make an autoattack causing sword spec proc hit registered in between WW+SS damage spam. I have no pics or vids in confirmation to what I say, but I will continue to test it out.
Cant say anything about Mortal Strike, Overpower and Hamstring for now.
Also cant wait to see the upcoming patchnote
edit: Tested it a little bit more right now. Sword Spec does proc of Mortal Strike, Hamstring and Overpower too. It seems it even procs of itself, this way i got couple of triple strikes right of charge.