Fury Warrior Pre-raid BiS Gear.

Re: Fury Warrior Pre-raid BiS Gear.

by St0rfan » Thu Aug 13, 2015 6:20 am

Blastitute wrote:Do you have any more suggestions for chestpiece? Those 2 require very expensive / hard to get mats afaik, and if I'm informed correctly, the arena boss chest doesn't exist yet or doesn't have the stats...

There are several great alternatives.

Cadaverous armor - scholomance:

Ogre Forged Hauberk - DM North Tribute run:

Deathdealers Breastplate - BRD, tomb of the seven:

EDIT: On a related note, as you asked. Savage Gladiators chain that drops from BRD arena is currently in game but has tank stats on it. This was suppose to change with last patch afaik but wasnt, for reasons unknown to me. Unless this change comes with patch 1.10 which puts it right before Naxx is released.
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Re: Fury Warrior Pre-raid BiS Gear.

by Ektelion » Sat Aug 15, 2015 1:06 am

St0rfan wrote:
Blastitute wrote:Do you have any more suggestions for chestpiece? Those 2 require very expensive / hard to get mats afaik, and if I'm informed correctly, the arena boss chest doesn't exist yet or doesn't have the stats...

There are several great alternatives.

Cadaverous armor - scholomance:

Ogre Forged Hauberk - DM North Tribute run:

Deathdealers Breastplate - BRD, tomb of the seven:

EDIT: On a related note, as you asked. Savage Gladiators chain that drops from BRD arena is currently in game but has tank stats on it. This was suppose to change with last patch afaik but wasnt, for reasons unknown to me. Unless this change comes with patch 1.10 which puts it right before Naxx is released.

For a raid buffed warrior i am almost certain Cadaverous Chest is superior to Savage Gladiator Chain with correct stats as it is 50 ap vs 2.35% crit, a matter of preference if u ask me, but if i was raid+world buffed i'd go with the attack power, next upgrade comes in AQ40 Skeram chest which is an upgrade of 1% hit and 0.6 crit total.

Considering that Titanic leggings are not coming live anytime soon you could consider Cloudkeeper legplates bis by only R12 legs beating them ( which a pve player has hard access to )
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Re: Fury Warrior Pre-raid BiS Gear.

by vido » Tue Aug 18, 2015 9:47 pm

Bis currently is cadaverous, 3/4 dragonscale with cloudkeepers/r12 legs, edgemasters. With every world buff stacked 1% crit = 30-33 ap and 20-22 ap without so savage glad will be better when naxx is released kek.

DB/Viskag MH and Felstriker> CHT / Brutality Blade OH. Flurry axe on par with CHT for orcs if you assume that it has 4%+ procrate (I may be wrong since it seems that the extra attacks dont proc on heroic strike compounded with the incorrectly implemented WF totem) and likewise a DB offhand could be decent for orcs given the potentially extra flurry charge (strictly for double DB; same speed mh and oh).

Otherwise a Frostbite MH + bonescraper OH would be pre bis.

Oh yeah and Brutality > CHT even on horde side with the nerfed WF that we have as long as the bug that causes flurry to not refresh on the last charge stands.

Edit: what i shouldve said is that 3/4 dragonscale with cadaverous is bis otherwise 3/4 with cloudkeepers and black dragonscale chest comes second. It's not entirely practical to go this route since youll need truestrike + alternate chest to make use of the chromatic boots in bwl, but it's bis currently nonetheless.
Sergeant Major
Sergeant Major

Re: Fury Warrior Pre-raid BiS Gear.

by Dusith » Wed Aug 26, 2015 6:29 am

When is Titanic Leggins plans dropped? Is it with BWL patch?
Sergeant Major
Sergeant Major

Re: Fury Warrior Pre-raid BiS Gear.

by St0rfan » Wed Aug 26, 2015 2:38 pm

Dusith wrote:When is Titanic Leggins plans dropped? Is it with BWL patch?

Titanic Leggings was implemented in patch 1.10. Between AQ and Naxx.
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Re: Fury Warrior Pre-raid BiS Gear.

by Coldwun » Thu Aug 27, 2015 3:28 pm

So many people sleeping on Plaguehound leggings, which are better than blademasters. Can normally find a pair of Plaguehound on the AH for 50-60g.

Re: Fury Warrior Pre-raid BiS Gear.

by vido » Wed Sep 09, 2015 7:00 pm

Almost anything is better than blademasters, they're horrible.
Sergeant Major
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