Aten wrote:Warriors who want to dps, druids who refuse to heal, priests who want to dps generally don't know how to play and will be excluded from 99% groups. You claim to be the number one dps but fail to understand this simple concept leading me to believe you are part of the general crowd.
Ie. Play what you want how you want but don't expect people to accept it. This isn't kids sports where concellation prizes are awarded for showing up.
F2P WoW server is serious business, this isn't a kid's sport bro, this is for adults doing adult things.
I've logged 1000's of hours in World of Warcraft on retail when I used to play, I don't claim to know more than anyone else, but I certainly know how to play the game at a respectable level on pretty much every class, and as far as warriors/mages go, I know those two classes very well.
I never said I didn't understand why people want to kick a warrior wanting to dps out of a group.
But it ONLY ever happens for one reason in my experience on this server.
When another plate wearer in the group whines because he has to roll vs someone else for loot.
I've never been in a group without a tank asking me if I could tank the group, I always make it clear I want to dps before hand, there is no deception on my part.
If people want to ask me to tank after the fact that's fine, but they for a fact they invited someone advertising themselves as a dps'er.
Some people who do this don't even have the courtesy to announce they are going to kick me before they do so.
So if you invite someone saying "DPS LFG" and then demand they tank and then kick them out, they didn't waste your time, you wasted theirs.
And goes "hur durr their cancer who don't know their place", YOU tank then, you roll a warrior or paladin and tank.
Goes both ways.
I'm not telling everyone they should invite me to their groups, I'm merely opining about the attitude towards people in groups specifically dealing with warriors wanting to dps.
And obviously with people in this topic using words like CANCER to describe warriors who don't want to tank, it's pretty much proving me right on my assumption.
But that's fine, I can solo and avoid dungeons, but it still sucks.