Level 60 Prot Build

Re: Level 60 Prot Build

by St0rfan » Fri Jul 10, 2015 11:19 am

Badtank wrote:
St0rfan wrote:
Xylon666Darkstar wrote:Impale contributes considerably especially if you're using a fast 1h for constant heroic strikes. As your gear progresses, you can choose to drop points from Anticipation at anytime, long as your def cap remains uncrushable from progressive gear. Badtank brings up a good build if you're looking to maximize TPS for the raid.

I myself go for 1/5 toughness and max out Anticipation. I dont think you can even reach def-cap in current content? in BWL you will be able to atleast.

I'm def capped, it's not hard, You just have to understand how to itemize.

I understand very well how to itemize. The reason I asked is that I questioned whether enough items, with enough def exists currently to reach 440def. The raiding I Have done as warrior on another server I joined a guild that had BWL on farm and thus I went straight to T2 gear rather than having to gear def for entry-raiding and knowing that even at T2 content, getting capped isnt an easy feat, especially if you want to use Lifegiving gem instead of Onyxia trinket, Styleens and/or Force of will.

EDIT: is the trinket "Demon's Blood" available currently? And how much def does it have in this patch? Further on it will have 3def atleast.
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Re: Level 60 Prot Build

by Whiskra » Fri Jul 10, 2015 5:56 pm

St0rfan wrote:
I understand very well how to itemize. The reason I asked is that I questioned whether enough items, with enough def exists currently to reach 440def. The raiding I Have done as warrior on another server I joined a guild that had BWL on farm and thus I went straight to T2 gear rather than having to gear def for entry-raiding and knowing that even at T2 content, getting capped isnt an easy feat, especially if you want to use Lifegiving gem instead of Onyxia trinket, Styleens and/or Force of will.

EDIT: is the trinket "Demon's Blood" available currently? And how much def does it have in this patch? Further on it will have 3def atleast.

There is enough gear currently to reach def cap without even having any BoE's, though some of it might be a bit annoying to get a hold of. And Demon's Blood does exist right now. and it does have +3 defense.

Re: Level 60 Prot Build

by Limbflayer » Sun Jul 19, 2015 12:20 am

I was thinking of going with this build for dungeons at 60, what do you think?


Re: Level 60 Prot Build

by snowtime » Sun Jul 19, 2015 1:52 am

Limbflayer wrote:I was thinking of going with this build for dungeons at 60, what do you think?


1/2 shield bash
1/3 imp revenge
1/1 anger management

for a dungeon spec it's pretty awful

Re: Level 60 Prot Build

by St0rfan » Sun Jul 19, 2015 9:34 am

Limbflayer wrote:I was thinking of going with this build for dungeons at 60, what do you think?


snowtime wrote:
Limbflayer wrote:I was thinking of going with this build for dungeons at 60, what do you think?


1/2 shield bash
1/3 imp revenge
1/1 anger management

for a dungeon spec it's pretty awful

If you want to tell him how bad the spec is, you could also provide a better option. Here's 2 decent specs for 5mans/ubrs:

Heavy mitigation build:
- 2/5 imp tac mastery. 5/5 is a waste because you only need 10 rage after stance-dance to use mockingblow or intercept.
- 2/3 imp sunder and im revenge. These are both great talents for 5mans but can have some points swapped around, maybe put 2 points in imp shieldbash.
- 1/3 imp shieldblock. Never get more than 1 point here. Rest are a waste.

Heavy TPS build (My personal preference):
- 1/5 imp toughness. This is the biggest concession you will have to make for the improved TPS. You could probably move 2 points from imp shieldwall to toughness as well as 2 points from imp taunt. Personally I prefer to have imp shieldwall for the big bursts on hard-hitting bosses.

EDIT: Anger management is never really worth it.
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Re: Level 60 Prot Build

by Limbflayer » Sun Jul 19, 2015 5:24 pm

Thanks for your advice St0rfan.

Re: Level 60 Prot Build

by Undertanker » Tue Jul 28, 2015 2:47 am

Limbflayer wrote:I was thinking of going with this build for dungeons at 60, what do you think?


Fixed your 5 man build for you:


45% revenge stun in OP and helps so much. 5/5 tactical mastery for the Thunderclap, Whirl Wind stance dancing (see taking lots of mobs thread for rotation).

You will be rage starved at times and will rarely use sunder always, heroic not nearly as much as you would in a raid. As you will be spamming sunder and revenge, shield slam when you can, +crit isn't needed in 5 mans.

The most important is the 5/5 tactical to keep aoe agro in places such as Scholo, Strat, UBRS, BRD, DM West.
Stone Guard
Stone Guard

Re: Level 60 Prot Build

by snowtime » Tue Jul 28, 2015 3:42 am

Undertanker wrote:Fixed your 5 man build for you:


This is the exact same spec i used when i was primarily tanking dungeons. if you wanted more utility you can go 2/2 imp shield bash > shield wall though imp shield wall saved me quite a few times.

Re: Level 60 Prot Build

by Grave » Tue Jul 28, 2015 5:22 am

I haven't read every post, however I am seeing quite a few people suggesting Deep Wounds builds for raid tanks. No, just no. Why? Wasted debuff slot. Currently we're allowed 8, in Patch 1.7 it will be increased to 16. Even with 16, every decent raiding guild will have debuff slot control strategy in place; one for damage limitation fights and one for increased damage output fights. Hell, in the offensive 16 debuff slot strat, you can't even afford demo shout on the boss.

If you're worried about threat, get a 1.3/1.5 speed weapon, Alcor's is great, Finkle's will do the job too. Use hit % items in your itemization while keeping relatively close to the Def Cap (absolute cap is not necessary with this content), if your DPS is outperforming your 1.3 weapon - which shouldn't happen anyway unless you're rage starved or are using a 0% hit itemized set.

Anyway, there is a cookie cutter build for raids, with 2/3 talent points up to your leisure (whether you prefer imp HS or a few points more in TM), it has already been linked in the first page of this thread.
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Re: Level 60 Prot Build

by Amkô » Tue Nov 24, 2015 12:08 pm

Hi guys,

is there any "good" point in being prot-warrior in battlegrounds?

Like being the flag carrier, annoying people by stunning and slowing them and so on?

I would like to ask, if this build would be "good".

https://en.nostalrius.org/talents/warri ... 3003001251

5 parry 5 tactical mastery (yeah for pvp imo 5/5 TM is very nice)

5 crit (dmg and rage)

last stand as nice cooldown
revenge for the stun
disarm obviously to anooy people even more
shield bash for the 3sek silence
iron will against rogues, caster (charm)

Would this be nice?

The good "site" of being a prot-pvp-warrior instead of Arms, I could easily tank 5man dungeons with my friends and anoy a lot of people in the battlegrounds till I decide to go Arms/Fury for PvP/PvE..

What do you say? :D
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