Hey, wan to share some macro with all of you. Im from Ukraine and my english is not perfect, so sorry for mistakes
I hope they appreciate those who have long played for warriors
The first thing that you need is Charge
/run i=1 while UnitBuff("player",i)do if string.find(UnitBuff("player",i),"Mount")then UseAction(36)end i=i+1 end
/script a,b,c=GetShapeshiftFormInfo(1);if (c) then CastSpellByName("Charge") else CastSpellByName("Battle Stance");end
/cast Hamstring
First line for people who do not have addon for autodismount when u click any spells. Just add ur mount to RightAction bar №36(lowermost RightAction), and it will automatically dimount when u want to charge
Second line Ability macro.
Third line i add Hamstring, it saves space on the panel and u can use two spells in one button.
Action macro: When you are at a distance of target it will charge, when u close it use Hamstring.
The second is Overpower
/script a,b,c=GetShapeshiftFormInfo(1);if (c) then CastSpellByName("Overpower") else CastSpellByName("Battle Stance");end
This macro also combines two buttons, Battle stance and Overpower.
Action macro: Changes to Battle Stance and use Overpower.
The third macro Intercept, copy of Charge
/run i=1 while UnitBuff("player",i)do if string.find(UnitBuff("player",i),"Mount")then UseAction(36)end i=i+1 end
/script a,b,c=GetShapeshiftFormInfo(3);if (c) then CastSpellByName("Intercept") else CastSpellByName("Berserker Stance");end
/cast Hamstring
First line for people who do not have addon for autodismount when u click any spells. Just add ur mount to RightAction bar №36(lowermost RightAction), and it will automatically dimount when u want to Intercept
Second line Ability macro.
Third line i add Hamstring, it saves space on the panel and u can use two spells in one button.
Action macro: When you are at a distance of target it will Intercept, when u close it use Hamstring.
For Stance change + weapons I use addon ItemRack(For me, it's much easier I once set up an addon and it will work continually, from any slot of my backpack)
/itemrack equip Deff (When Deff = name of ur set in ItemRack)
/cast Defensive Stance
Action macro: Will change ur stance to Defensive Stance and equip 1hand+Shield
Same macro on Bers Stance
/itemrack equip Attack(When Attack = name of ur set in ItemRack)
/cast Berserker Stance
Action macro: Will change ur stance to Berserker and equip 2hand weapon.