by Phnom » Wed Mar 23, 2016 12:30 am
My 2 cents about the hyped Ironfoe:
It will surpass other weapons once fully world buffed, and pretty much ONLY then. And along with you being world buffed, most of the raid should also be. I find it very very unlikely that one person out of 40 is the only one buffed to maximum, and if so, this person will probably pull aggro sooner or later and wipe. And if you indeed are fully world buffed, other weapon combos(along with Edgemaster) could/should be better.
Here is why:
Firsly, Ironfoe proc gives extra rage as well as extra DPS. This sounds perfect, but fact is that the extra rage wont help if you run world buffed, since you already are capable of doing the exact same rotation with heroic strike on every hit, and BT/WW on cd anyway. That extra rage wont really help, but on the execute phase where you have to be "lucky" to get a proc, and even more so if the fight is short. Inbetween popping a Might rage and the tons of rage generated because of DW/reck/trinket/boner/whatever, it might just not be such a difference after all due to the, probably short, execute phase. (Assuming everyone and their moms are world buffed along with you)
Secondly, on these fights where you are optimally buffed, where the Ironfoe should shine, it might just not proc enough to actually be benefical. This is due the fact that this fight will be shorter with everyone doing more damage and thus making the fight much shorter. The shorter the fight, the better (or worse) it could be, due to the procs. It is only the actual damage that will be benefical, not the extra rage. You will still be generating tons of rage with another weapon combo, and execute on every CD.
Imo, and Im a random guy who is not to be trusted, Ironfoe is not better than a suitable weapon combination combined with Edgemasters.