1% dodge vs 100 hp

Re: 1% dodge vs 100 hp

by Badtank » Sun Jul 12, 2015 9:40 am

Undertanker wrote:305 is 3 hit. 310 is 4.2 ish. The 0.04 increases are only when you exceed a mobs defense which you do not do on a shull ie: lvl 63

A. It dosen't give you 3%, it reduces base miss chance to 6% instead of 9. That's different and important. B. The only sword worth using is Thunderfury. While it is the end-all tank weapon, there is a huge amount of players that will never, ever get a thunderfury. I knew tanks in vanilla that didn't get one after raiding for the entire course of vanilla. It happens. You should and will end up using a dagger for more of your tanking career by far. If the opposite was true, human would be better but it's not.
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Re: 1% dodge vs 100 hp

by MageQT » Wed Jul 15, 2015 3:26 am

I didn't bother reading any comments, dodge is the way to go. You noobs wouldn't know. Dodge is your best stat as a tank Period

Re: 1% dodge vs 100 hp

by MageQT » Wed Jul 15, 2015 3:30 am

You all make me laugh, 1% is better than 100 health lmaooo. Don't make me pull out the information and make you all look really stupid. Dodge is first in hit table, therefore is theorically better stay than party or block... You don't need to worry about health after MC, you should be already good if you're flasking so all that bwl spell damage is bullshit.

Re: 1% dodge vs 100 hp

by Gazpy » Wed Jul 15, 2015 9:08 am

shitstorm is about to trigger again by those non-mathematical heathens!
Oh my good dog!
Sergeant Major
Sergeant Major

Re: 1% dodge vs 100 hp

by St0rfan » Wed Jul 15, 2015 10:49 am

Gazpy wrote:shitstorm is about to trigger again by those non-mathematical heathens!

And rightfully so. Mathematics>feelings. 100hp is always the sane choice, no question about it. Previous posts makes this abundantly clear.
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Re: 1% dodge vs 100 hp

by Armilus » Wed Jul 15, 2015 5:46 pm

Everyone in this thread who is saying that 100HP or 1% dodge is always best is absolutely 100% wrong. 100 HP is not best in every situation and 1% dodge is not best in every situation.

Since the OP was specifically asking about BWL, there are two things to consider. Broodlord and Chromaggus.

Has multiple hard hitting nukes, on most private servers it is possible to be hit with 2 or 3 at the SAME TIME. He also uses mortal strike which reduces healing by a shit load.
There is also a very long and very annoying gauntlet before broodlord, you have to re-clear it EVERY TIME you wipe. The last thing you want to do, is wipe after engaging broodlord.

Has some very nasty hard hitting breath attacks. You can't dodge breath attacks or mitigate them with armor.

In the case of broodlord, the fight is SUPER EASY for 99.9% of the duration. For the other 0.1% of the time, he hits you with an auto attack followed immediately by a mortal strike, then before your shield block cooldown is up, he hits you with an auto attack that either crushes or crits. It's ok, you'll have another chance to see if you dodge one of those hits in 25-30 minutes when the raid is done running back, rebuffing and re-clearing the gauntlet.

You still want high avoidance on broodlord because dodge/parry on a mortal strike is awesome! The problem is, you have to assume that your avoidance is going to fail you at some point during that fight. I've tanked broodlord MANY times, in just-entered-BWL gear and full T2 BiS BWL. Even with the best gear attainable at that content level it was still best to max out your HP and armor on broodlord.

As for Chromaggus, the fight is easy until 20% when he enrages, at that point one of two things will kill you. A breath attack or frenzy. You can't do shit about frenzy, that ones on your hunters. The breath attacks can't be avoided, you need high HP to survive them.

In conclusion, 1% dodge is better than 100HP for 99.9% of BWL; HOWEVER, max HP is a REQUIREMENT for the last 20% of chromaggus and those moments on broodlord where your avoidance fails you. It sucks but you really need that extra 200HP. I also strongly recommend a http://db.vanillagaming.org/?item=8411 for broodlord along with all the other HP consumes you would normally use.

Edit: If you want to be really pro, get a second set of T2 legs and helm, put 100HP on one, 1% dodge on the other. The dodge is better when you are tanking melee trash, the HP is better for most bosses because everything in BWL has breath attacks that can't be avoided.
Cadmus - Priest, Nostalrius Begins PvP
Stabsington - Rogue, Nostalrius Begins PvP
Sergeant Major
Sergeant Major

Re: 1% dodge vs 100 hp

by vido » Wed Jul 15, 2015 9:44 pm

Thanks Armilus, finally after 5 pages I got the type of reply that I was hoping for.
Sergeant Major
Sergeant Major

Re: 1% dodge vs 100 hp

by Armilus » Thu Jul 16, 2015 12:21 am

Badtank wrote:
vido wrote:What happens once you reach 9k armor?

Diminishing Returns start to become noticeable.

I recommend that you read the section on Armor in my prot warrior guide viewtopic.php?f=36&t=16057
Cadmus - Priest, Nostalrius Begins PvP
Stabsington - Rogue, Nostalrius Begins PvP
Sergeant Major
Sergeant Major

Re: 1% dodge vs 100 hp

by Chevejo » Thu Jul 16, 2015 10:41 am

Nice post, exactly what I meant but much longer :roll:

Just a thought: Couldnt there be a Feral Kitten or Off-Tank, that taunts boss just before a breath or MS hits the mitigation tank?
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Re: 1% dodge vs 100 hp

by Gazpy » Thu Jul 16, 2015 12:26 pm

both bosses are not tauntable.
Oh my good dog!
Sergeant Major
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