[GUIDE] Fury Pre-Raid-BiS-List / Specs / Enchants - EDITED

Re: [GUIDE] Fury Pre-Raid-BiS-List / Specs / Enchants

by Amkô » Wed Dec 16, 2015 12:16 pm

Does JuJu Power (30str - Winterfall Ekos in WS) stack with anything?

Or what is the "best possible" setup for the raid, where buffs stack with each other?
Pls dont mention Ony buff and such things :)

Just elixirs, scrolls, Juju, scrolls.. :)
Senior Sergeant
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Re: [GUIDE] Fury Pre-Raid-BiS-List / Specs / Enchants

by vido » Wed Dec 16, 2015 12:36 pm

juju flurry, juju might, juju power, elixir of the mongoose, blessed sunfruit, winterfall firewater, elemental sharpening stones, rumsey rum black label, elixir of fortitude, maybe some superior defense elixirs.
Sergeant Major
Sergeant Major

Re: [GUIDE] Fury Pre-Raid-BiS-List / Specs / Enchants

by MrCer » Wed Dec 16, 2015 5:52 pm

I understand that arms is far inferior to Fury in terms of PvE dps. especially being DW>2h.

I'm on the PvE server and my guilds wants more Arm warriors to farm honor in bgs. but horde has like...no MS warriors.

I'm looking for an Arms Sword PvE build that will still allow me to at least have Mortal Strike for PvP.
Came up with this: http://db.vanillagaming.org/?talent#LbhxbAboxdVVhVM

Plan on using this with Bonereaver, but any improvements to the build (PvE related) would be appreciated. ty :)
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Re: [GUIDE] Fury Pre-Raid-BiS-List / Specs / Enchants

by Heldunder » Fri Dec 18, 2015 11:49 pm

MrCer wrote:I understand that arms is far inferior to Fury in terms of PvE dps. especially being DW>2h.

I'm on the PvE server and my guilds wants more Arm warriors to farm honor in bgs. but horde has like...no MS warriors.

I'm looking for an Arms Sword PvE build that will still allow me to at least have Mortal Strike for PvP.
Came up with this: http://db.vanillagaming.org/?talent#LbhxbAboxdVVhVM

Plan on using this with Bonereaver, but any improvements to the build (PvE related) would be appreciated. ty :)

yeah thats about as good as youll get. but it will never match fury pve dps
Sergeant Major
Sergeant Major

Re: [GUIDE] Fury Pre-Raid-BiS-List / Specs / Enchants

by Amkô » Wed Dec 30, 2015 7:20 am

Is there any calculation how much agility (20 = crit) equals 1 strength?

I mean is it like 10 strength is so strong like 15 agility? Or is strength even stronger?

As for hit:
When I reach 9% hit, is it "ok" to have more hit? Like 10-11? Or is this wasted dps, since str/agy are way better at this point?

Thanks mates.
Senior Sergeant
Senior Sergeant

Re: [GUIDE] Fury Pre-Raid-BiS-List / Specs / Enchants

by Amkô » Thu Dec 31, 2015 12:36 am

And another question.

I am playing with Axe of deep woods (MH) + Flurry Axe (OH) right now with 9 hit.

Is it worth to get frostbite for the OH instead for Flurry Axe because of the "extra charge flurry because same weapon speed"?

Its more dps (35,8 vs 42.6), 15 str vs no stats, but maybe the flurry procc is too nice to throw it away?

Need to know this before enchanting crusader ^^
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Re: [GUIDE] Fury Pre-Raid-BiS-List / Specs / Enchants

by Lingon » Thu Dec 31, 2015 11:55 am

Last I checked you only get 3 attacks out of flurry even with same speed weapons. the offhand is 0,1-0,3 sec delayed. for some reason. With a 2,4 MH and 2,7 OH i get the first few swings to line up.

Re: [GUIDE] Fury Pre-Raid-BiS-List / Specs / Enchants

by MrCer » Fri Jan 08, 2016 10:24 pm

Where does heartseeker sit on the preraid bis for offhands?
Senior Sergeant
Senior Sergeant

Re: [GUIDE] Fury Pre-Raid-BiS-List / Specs / Enchants

by St0rfan » Sat Jan 09, 2016 9:33 am

MrCer wrote:Where does heartseeker sit on the preraid bis for offhands?

Probably bellow Dal'rends and above Thrashblade. The completely insane mats required doesnt really warrant it a spot on the list.
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Re: [GUIDE] Fury Pre-Raid-BiS-List / Specs / Enchants

by Amkô » Wed Jan 13, 2016 12:23 pm

Hi guys,

meanwhile I am pre raid bis except the baron cape and got some ZG-gear and Deathbringer for my MH. (not updated on realmplayers, got also rank8 today..)

Now my next "goal" is a new OH to replace my Flurry Axe.

I am an Orc and as I said Im using Deathbringer in my MH.

Is the Hakkari Warblade (offhand) an option? Much better than my flurry axe? You get 12DPS + 40 AP vs. +5Axes and Extra Hit for Rage-generation. What would you say?

I hope to get the 1h Axe from Hakkar (2.0 Speed + Lifesteal) or even a second Deathbringer (or Viskag?)

What would be your choice?

I also thought about getting a Zulian Hacker (~43dps and +2 Axes + Random Stats).

What would you do/aim/wait for?

I'd say for my OH:

Deathbringer > Viskag > Hakkar 1h Axe > Hakkari Warblade OH > Zulian Hacker > Flurry Axe.

Am I right?
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