Sakuraba wrote:Thoughts on using the ZG fistweapons instead of Dal'rends as human warrior?
They look so badass so if i can make it work and not lose a bunch of damage i'd love to do it!
If it is viable, should i still enchant crusader + 15str or should i go with something else due to the 2.2/1.5 speed?
Would darkmoon card maelstrom be better than either hoj or blackhands breadth for this setup?
Thekal's grasp
Arlokk's grasp
Compared to dal'rends set, they are probably very viable yes. Regarding DMC:M being better than HoJ or Blackhands I doubt it, althought I havent done proper testing since I'm not playing as fury on this server (as I did on "that other private server").