by Orggrim » Sun May 03, 2015 11:15 am
The warrior class itself is designed to be good at tanking, regardless of talent spec. Prot talents make you marginally better at the role in different respects, but most of them aren't critical.
Blocking shaves small to moderate amounts of damage off what would otherwise be full hits. Doing this more often through Shield Spec means you will take slightly less damage over time. This basically means healers have a slightly easier job. Outside of 40 mans, this isn't a critical difference.
Anticipation is a talent that can be rendered obsolete by gear. Useful if you aren't defense capped. Mostly worthless otherwise.
Toughness talents mean you will take slightly less damage from melee than you normally would. This essentially has the same effect on fights as shield spec. Healers needing to spend slightly less mana over time means a greater chance of success on long fights.
Defiance might be seen as the most important prot talent, but this is only in situations where the DPS must work very fast in order for the group to succeed. If time isn't critical, threat management is a group effort; it doesn't fall solely on the tank's shoulders. A warrior without this talent can still generate a lot of threat quite effectively.
Last Stand is an "oh shit" talent. It might prevent a wipe sometimes. But most of the time wipes are avoidable through playing well. Last Stand is a safety net. You shouldn't need it, but sometimes it's nice to have it.
Improved Taunt is similarly a crutch. If the group is playing well, having an 8 second CD over a 10 second CD taunt shouldn't make a difference.
Improved Sunder Armor makes your threat generation a little more rage efficient. As with Defiance, outside of 40 mans this shouldn't be an issue. The only time generating threat super fast is important is when you are trying to beat a timer (real or invented) and DPS needs to crank it up. A warrior without this talent is still capable of generating a lot of threat.
Most of the other talents are very minor perks. Iron Will puts RNG slightly more in your favor in certain situations, but often "does nothing" because you'll still get stunned/charmed quite frequently (unless you are an orc, in which case your stun resist chance becomes almost a reasonable expectation). Improved Revenge is actually anti-synergy with tanking in some respects, because we do rely on taking damage to generate rage. Imp Shield Wall and Imp Disarm both just extend the duration of the effect. These can be useful, but the base abilities without talents are already very good, and will serve their purposes effectively. One-handed weapon spec is basically just another small threat boost, as a tank's damage output is of minor importance. Imp Shield Bash and Concussion blow are both situational utility moves which don't fill any real holes in a standard warrior's tanking game.
Finally, there's shield slam. Almost all aspects of this move are irrelevant (or redundant) to tanking. At face value it's prot's instant attack, and allows a warrior to do a little more dps while tanking, which isn't what the tank is there for anyway. However, this, along with its high threat value, makes it a great threat-generating move... of which a standard warrior already has plenty. Sunder, revenge, and heroic strike are already fantastic threat generating tools that all specs of warrior have access to. Finally, it has a 50% chance of dispelling a magic effect on the target. In most situations, if there's a buff that needs to be dispelled, an actual dispeller will take care of it, because you can't rely on coin flips six seconds apart to dispel that buff that's going to get people killed.
Warriors can tank. They've been designed so that even with zero talents spent, a warrior will be able to fill a tanking role in most situations. It's really only once you get into the 40 man raids that protection talents become useful enough to want to take. Don't bother with prot while you're leveling.