Hi, for some reason I can't get the quest http://www.wowhead.com/quest=8425/voodoo-feathers after doing the shadowsworn one.
Is it even in the game?
Coffeebreath wrote:I didn't realize important quests like this were broken or missing from the game. I thought it was pretty much complete and working as intended up to the patch we're at. Bit disappointing to read.
*just tried to play a bit and ran into another broken quest! level 15 mage quest for alliance in stormwind, the first one in the chain for the robe*
St0rfan wrote:Coffeebreath wrote:I didn't realize important quests like this were broken or missing from the game. I thought it was pretty much complete and working as intended up to the patch we're at. Bit disappointing to read.
*just tried to play a bit and ran into another broken quest! level 15 mage quest for alliance in stormwind, the first one in the chain for the robe*
The lvl50 class quests were implemented after BWL on retail if I recall correctly.