by Njussi » Sat May 23, 2015 12:15 pm
I used to love prot pvp back in vanilla and always found it extremely fun and rewarding.
What you need to do is spec up to impale in arms, get some crit from fury and then go all the way down to shield slam in prot and always pick talents from a pvp perspective.
Gearwise you want crit %, shield block value (helps get those shield slams high in dmg) and after that its either str (also shield slam dmg) or stam and agi. Usually the good warrior gear gives all three ofc.
Prot pvp is most viable against rogues, shamans, other warriors, locks (maybe surprisingly) and hunters.
Hardest are frost mages, shadowpriests and paladins with high dmg.
Its obviously not the best pvp spec but once you get the hang of it and start killing people, Im sure youll love it. It is especially good for outdoor 1on1, wsg flag carrying and tanking in av.
Have fun!