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The Warrior Leveling

PostPosted: Wed Feb 25, 2015 12:31 am
by Tank
So now we have finally created our game accounts (if you haven't, head on to the start page and scroll down) *cheer*.

I have everything set up as far as addons, race, class and various other little details like professions and leveling company. I don't have any warrior experience pre-wotlk though, but I've been reading up on some guides. Most guides are about end-game tanking or pvp, so I was wondering some things about the leveling phase.

What spec is the easiest/most viable to level in? I assume that as soon as I get some decent plate armor I'll be able to tank 5m dungeons in any spec (wielding a shield though), right? I know for a fact that leveling in prot is a no-go unless you have a bunch of friends to help you out or if you don't mind spending an extra month leveling.

If you guys have any other tips regarding the warrior class over-all feel free to share them! It feels like this is gonna be a whole new experience even though I've had 3 ~almost 4~ expansions of tanking experience.
Can't wait!

Re: The Warrior Leveling

PostPosted: Wed Feb 25, 2015 12:35 am
by Mek

Re: The Warrior Leveling

PostPosted: Wed Feb 25, 2015 12:37 am
by Trolle
Id just level in arms, at 40 you wanna do arms anyway for Mortal Strike(save 1g in respec!). You can tank all instances in mail/plate(which you get at level 40)

Re: The Warrior Leveling

PostPosted: Wed Feb 25, 2015 12:40 am
by Tank
Alright so we have two different suggestions. Thank you Trolle for elaborating :)

Re: The Warrior Leveling

PostPosted: Wed Feb 25, 2015 12:53 am
by Kurthos
You don't want to incur the 27% miss penalty so dual wielding is off the table.

I plan on putting my points into arms for imp overpower, imp rend and impale until level 30~ and then putting the rest of my talents into prot.

Most of your damage will be coming from overpower and tend for your early levels. You won't really have rage to spend on heroic strike or cleave so you have to depend on other yellow/white swing damage like rend.

Re: The Warrior Leveling

PostPosted: Wed Feb 25, 2015 1:13 am
by mciek
You have to respec on 30 to arms and get You will propably using this axe to 55 maybe 60

Re: The Warrior Leveling

PostPosted: Wed Feb 25, 2015 5:19 am
by Grave
I've leveled a warrior in classic WoW, ED and Warsong.

Here's my tip:
1-10: 1H+Shield Use rend all the time until you get MS at 40. Don't use Rend while tanking ofc.
11-40: Arms (40-42 Fury for grinding mobs to get mount, if you don't have WW axe/sword)
43-60: Back to Arms when you get a decent 40's range 2H, executioner's cleaver pref. (

Fury without hit gear is just painful. There will be world PvP, Arms is great for it.

Tanking. You can tank any dungeon in any spec while leveling. While having Flurry (from Fury tree) is useful for tanking, just have a fast-1hander and a shield, and Arms tanking will also be cake. You don't need plate armor to tank, just get some decent mail armor to tank pre-plate range (plate is level 40+).

CAUTION: Leveling a warrior in the 20's range is extremely painful, we're talking 1v1 in Duskwood Undeads and losing. So always play it safe. Pull mobs back to a safe range, don't attack 2 mobs in the same level range as you in Duskwood and expect to survive.

Re: The Warrior Leveling

PostPosted: Wed Feb 25, 2015 12:40 pm
by Tank
Thanks for all the answers, I really appreciate it! That's all the basic info I needed, I'll take it as it comes from here (with speccing and skilling).

See you all in game on saturday :D

Re: The Warrior Leveling

PostPosted: Wed Feb 25, 2015 3:47 pm
by mike1097
I'll level in arms.
I like it and it's good enough. I like the high crits and the possibility of pvp. Cant wait to do the warrior questline for the good blue axe.

Re: The Warrior Leveling

PostPosted: Wed Feb 25, 2015 6:34 pm
by Orkchop
Grave's info is on point.