Warrior help with friend Priest

Warrior help with friend Priest

by Darkferal » Thu Jun 04, 2015 2:12 am

Hello all.

Me and my friend has just started on this awesome server, and we agreed to go tank and healer.
Me as Warrior and her as Priest, so we got a lot of survivability :)

My question is this. I want to be able to tank the mobs and do good damage, and also want to do dungeons along the way as a tank, and her as healer.
I don't need too much help, just a talent calculator that can show me where on what to spend my talents points.
I read others forum post about warrior talents points but most of them use wowprovider.com and for some reason it has been down for some time.
So if someone can link a http://db.vanillagaming.org/?talent that would be awesome :)

And if you would be so kind also for my friend the priest :) Be able to heal in dungeons but also do a good amount of damage.

Last question. Is main hand weapon and shield fine for lvl'ing to the end or is dual or 2 hand better?

We probably won't be doing raids at the end. Maybe just the first one you can enter, so we just play casual and for fun. :P

Any help is very appreciated :)

Re: Warrior help with friend Priest

by Xylon666Darkstar » Thu Jun 04, 2015 7:58 am

While lvling, you can tank just fine going arms or fury. You won't need prot talents till 60 for raids or stuff like ubrs/dm. Just go down fury to get good damage, and just 1h/shield as needed in Def stance.
Last edited by Xylon666Darkstar on Thu Jun 04, 2015 4:29 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Warrior help with friend Priest

by Darkferal » Thu Jun 04, 2015 12:07 pm

Xylon666Darkstar wrote:While lvling, you can tank just fine going arms or fury. You won't need prot talents till 60 for raids or stuff like ubrs/dm. Just go down fury to get good damage, and just 2h/shield as needed in Def stance.

Awesome. Thank you :)

Re: Warrior help with friend Priest

by Garfunkel » Thu Jun 04, 2015 6:11 pm

Xylon is correct - all you need for tanking pre-60 5-mans is a shield and enough brainpower to go defensive stance and use your abilities every now and then. As for your friend, tell her to check this thread out:
if she doesn't want to go shadow. She can keep healing 5-mans as a shadow but with the build that I used for levelling:

First get 5/5 Spirit Tap for mana and 5/5 Wand spec for little extra damage. This allows her to just dot the mob you're fighting and then wand, meaning no downtime for drinking - and you don't need to eat as she can heal you.

Then it's up to her whether she wants to fill out Disc or Holy first. Getting Inner Focus is quite good as it allows her to cast Prayer of Healing for free (otherwise 1k mana!) for those oh shit situations in instances. As she progresses through the Holy tree, her priest will become a very powerful healer regardless of gear and will have no trouble keeping you or the group up no matter what the situation.

I went with Holy Nova because otherwise a priest has no aoe dmg spell whatsoever - not that Holy Nova is very good but it can be useful when you know a rogue is sneaking nearby or you get swarmed by a bunch of non-elite little mobs, for example in Uldaman. I didn't pick Lightwell or Spirit of Redemption as they are both useless.

At 60, she can drop Spirit Tap and Wand Spec and put those 10 points elsewhere but by that point she should have a very good idea how to play her class.
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