use for general tanking.
Cruelty is more for soloing/farming then anything else, but it does give a small rage boost from auto-attacks. I don't care much for improved revenge unless you are way under-geared. Randomly stunning mobs can cause rage issues and your concussive blow stun is more than enough control. Improved shield wall is actually quite good for the times when you need it. It's a 50% increase in duration to the strongest cool-down in the game. I get 4/5 tactical mastery so I can thunderclap when/if needed. I find points in anticipation to be useful, providing a tad more gear flexibility. The one point in improved taunt is just filler, although slightly useful at times.
The only talents I would stay away from 100% are improved heroic strike and improved disarm. Piercing howl can be useful with bad groups or on AOE pulls as someone already stated.
Tanking is more about skill/experience than spec in general, but spec can influence how you play slightly. GL