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Rage gaining formulae

PostPosted: Mon Jun 29, 2015 9:24 am
by Snouk
I'm looking for the vanilla rage gaining formulae when dealing white hits. Does somebody have it here ?

Thank you.

Re: Rage gaining formulae

PostPosted: Mon Jun 29, 2015 9:49 am
by Misa
These are the numbers that Mangos uses for level 60 players. 99% sure they're untouched or not far from these numbers on Nostalrius.

Code: Select all
if (hit_outcome == ATTACK_CRIT)
    weaponSpeedHitFactor = weapon_speed * 7;
    weaponSpeedHitFactor = weapon_speed * 3.5;
rageconversion = ((0.0091107836 * 60 * 60) + 3.225598133 * 60) + 4.2652911;
RAGE GENERATED = ((damage/rageconversion * 7.5 + weaponSpeedHitFactor) / 2.0);

Re: Rage gaining formulae

PostPosted: Mon Jun 29, 2015 11:00 am
by Snouk
Thank you. But I wanted the one who includes the player's level.

Re: Rage gaining formulae

PostPosted: Mon Jun 29, 2015 11:52 am
by Misa
It's the same, but replace '60' with your level.

Code: Select all
if (hit_outcome == ATTACK_CRIT)
    weaponSpeedHitFactor = weapon_speed * 7;
    weaponSpeedHitFactor = weapon_speed * 3.5;
rageconversion = ((0.0091107836 * level * level) + 3.225598133 * level) + 4.2652911;
RAGE GENERATED = ((damage/rageconversion * 7.5 + weaponSpeedHitFactor) / 2.0);

Also, This is for main-hand.

For off-hand change weaponSpeedHitFactor to:
Code: Select all
if (hit_outcome == ATTACK_CRIT)
    weaponSpeedHitFactor = weapon_speed * 3.5;
    weaponSpeedHitFactor = weapon_speed * 1.75;

Re: Rage gaining formulae

PostPosted: Mon Jun 29, 2015 3:00 pm
by Stalk
Actually, you are completely wrong. You are posting rage generation information from TBC. Vanilla rage generation formulas can be seen here:

Code: Select all
Being Hit

    Being hit by a physical attack generates rage based on damage taken.
    Attacks that are blocked/parried/dodged also generate rage.
    The algorithm for rage gained from damage taken is:
        Enemy Level * 1.5 = 1 Rage
        For example, at level 60 it takes 90 damage to generate 1 rage versus a level 60 opponent, while it takes 45 damage to generate 1 rage versus a level 30 opponent.

Code: Select all
Dealing Melee Damage to Enemies

    The formula for rage gained from damage dealt is:
        Current Level * 0.5 = 1 Rage
        For example, at level 60 it takes 30 damage to generate 1 rage.

Please try not to spread misinformation.

Re: Rage gaining formulae

PostPosted: Mon Jun 29, 2015 5:14 pm
by Misa
Eh, I wasn't far off. It's only a little different in Vanilla. Guess I had old Mangos code. ... .cpp#L1830

Here is how current stable MangosZero handles rage. Only the weaponspeedhitfactor is missing.

Re: Rage gaining formulae

PostPosted: Tue Jun 30, 2015 12:57 am
by Stalk
Misa wrote:Eh, I wasn't far off. It's only a little different in Vanilla. Guess I had old Mangos code. ... .cpp#L1830

Here is how current stable MangosZero handles rage. Only the weaponspeedhitfactor is missing.

This is because the Mangos Zero project was backported from the TBC version of Mangos. It is still filled with discrepancies and directives that reference TBC mechanics. The Nostalrius server process and some spell data most likely has fallen victim to this problem as well.