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Warrior virtually imposible to solo level?
Wed Jul 01, 2015 12:34 pm
by Rocca
Lvl 12, in the barrens. Mid level, played 1 hour and 30 minutes untill now.
I'm killing mobs for quests around my level and basically only have 50% chance to survive or to be killed one on one.
I thought it was my gear, and just bought a green weapon with +1 strength and 8 dps (double of the white weapon I had) and the issue remained thesame. Against a mob of my level it's just praying that I wont miss 1000000 times and basically count on RNG to just get the target down.
I'm guessing spec at this point (with 3 talent points in the tree) isnt even an issue. Gear should not be an issue on this level aswell, but I have full mail pieces / green sword with +1 str.
Are there warriors here that had no issue in leveling whatsoever? Why do I have this extreme bad miss chance, is this blizzard RNG that has me by the nuts? Is this going to remain the entire leveling process and should I just reroll rogue to have less issues? Do they suck as much as warriors do during leveling process?
Thx in advance, and pls discuss.
Re: Warrior virtually imposible to solo level?
Wed Jul 01, 2015 1:05 pm
by Wrakt
Well from my experience, don't try to fight mobs that are your level around your level bracket, you will get either seriously injured or killed. You should try to stick to mobs 1 level under you or green level for you, they still give nice EXP and aren't difficult to take down. Later on it will ease on as your damage increases, do dungeons to maximize your character's power/survivability. Trust me, it's pretty difficult, and rogue has it no better on these 'early' stages of the game. Also, you should have gotten at least level 13 to enter the Barrens.
Re: Warrior virtually imposible to solo level?
Wed Jul 01, 2015 1:17 pm
by riq and snog
General warrior lvling advice
It s tough but you are a warrior, u can do it:-)
The lowlvls are extreme, gets better at 20-30
get first aid an cooking.
Your most important item is your weapon keep it as updated as possible,
To avoid miss change lvl up weaponskill to the max.
I lvld to 25 just tanking dungeons...
Dungeons will upgrade your items quite good try to get all quests for a dungeon before you enter for max xpgain.
Grp up with a healer
Dont waste rage on rend or thunderclap.
Spam heroic strike, specials have less chance to miss
Harmstring mobs to be able to run away.
Range pull in tight spots to get 1 mob at a time.
Spec 2hand fury for maximum ease
Advantage of fury
5% Crit
Piercing howl aoe slow to escape doom
Enrage 25% dmg increase 100% uptime ( charge, sit down, go nuts)
deathwish another 20% dmg on demand
Flurry 30% speed after crit
No weapon specialisation means no respec when getting a weapon upgrade
Minor selfheal during combat blood craze, bloodthirst
- learn to use slam (lvl 30) effectively for extra hit.
I hope this helps.
Re: Warrior virtually imposible to solo level?
Wed Jul 01, 2015 1:36 pm
by traitrus
when i get Bloodthirst (at level 40), i'll go for DW instead of 2H weapon, i think its more efficient : for example you can use all your charges of Bloodthirst to heal
cuz when u miss a lot with a 3.60 speed weapon, its really painful ... i find the gameplay more dynamic when u hit more in DW
at least if u like huge crits and 2-shots monsters, go for 2H
my reroll warrior is 48 atm, its not harder than leveling my hunter, and its way more fun
Re: Warrior virtually imposible to solo level?
Wed Jul 01, 2015 3:23 pm
by JeeTee
The first question is: Do you like the idea of tanking? If the answer is no re-roll rogue.
Warriors are not impossible to level, however they are very unforgiving especially at low levels. Until level 20 engage mobs LOWER level then you. Use a shield, the difference between 1 handed or 2 handed damage at low levels is hardly noticeable. A shield on the other hand increases survivability quite a bit. When you get mostly green quality armor or better you can use 2 handed weapons. Use a bow/gun to pull mobs from packs. If you are going to die hamstring the mobs and run. Always have a shield and 1 handed weapon ready for tanking groups or for hard hitting mobs. Don't forget this is a social game. Group up with people that can heal and get your quests done must faster.
I would choose Arms talents when learning the class, they focus on burst damage with 2 handed weapons. Improved overpower is a talent that makes one of your only early instant attacks much better. Tactical mastery allows you to use all of your combat stances much more effectively. Learning how and when to use what stance/spell is a huge part of this class and this talent enables your warrior to be at its full potential. Sweeping strikes talent is very good when you are grinding packs of mobs on higher levels. Mortal strike does much more damage than bloodthirst. You might even be able to kill another player if you are playing arms.
Take your time and actually learn the class. Tank some dungeons. Do some pvp. Level professions, this class needs gold/gear the most. Don't be in a hurry, instead enjoy the process. The road to level 60 on your first warrior is a long one, but you can do it if you learn from your mistakes.
Re: Warrior virtually imposible to solo level?
Wed Jul 01, 2015 3:38 pm
by Forteski
When I joined this server my first character was a warrior that only lasted to 14 and then got deleted.
After leveling a mage to 35, I decided that I didn't want to be a mage so I took that gold and started a warrior. Really it's much easier when you have some gold to start with. I could power level my First Aid so my bandages healed me for all my HP and bought the rare low lvl axe and replaced it with Duskbringer(21 rare 2h sword). I also bought 10 healing pots that were my level to use while questing. They're great for when you're forced to fight multiple mobs at once or get ganked.
For talents I went with Arms. Fury only has 5% crit for good talents until you're 15 talents into the tree. Imp OP is far better imo because while it's great for leveling, it's killer for fighting rogues. This server is flooded with rogues so you may as well be good at dealing with them because they're the most popular ganking class.
If I cared that much I could have made lower levels even easier by leveling engineering early on and using dynamite to 1 shot groups of mobs as I gather them up until about 15 or so.
Long story short is that unless you're dying to be a warrior, get some gold first to make the process a lot less painful. If you aren't willing to wait then you're just gonna have to farm mobs 2 or more levels below you until you find a good weapon from a dungeon.
Re: Warrior virtually imposible to solo level?
Wed Jul 01, 2015 4:24 pm
by pikachupete
Be sure to upgrade weapons early and often. Warriors are so gear dependent... For example, I got Whirlwind Axe with the help of a friend at level 30. It made it SO much easier and faster to level.
Re: Warrior virtually imposible to solo level?
Fri Jul 03, 2015 3:40 am
by Robotron
Keep gear up to date, and it's actually really easy.
Re: Warrior virtually imposible to solo level?
Fri Jul 03, 2015 6:24 pm
by Undertanker
It takes a bit of patience but if you love tanking like I do, the grind is worth it.
Open with rend pre mortal strike/blood thirst.
It is best damage per rage and doesnt consume a white hit.
If you get two adds n they are fast hitting duel wielders, thunderclap.
Use fear bandage as a combo, turn ur body when u fear so u dont auto attack the target.
Get used to ranged pulling and los pulling.
Re: Warrior virtually imposible to solo level?
Mon Jul 06, 2015 9:24 pm
by Badtank
You need to do a lot of dungeons, a lot. Warrior is the class that scales the most with gear. Keeping yourself up on gear is the most important thing. Forget bandages and other gimmicks, while helpful, your gear is what matters. Getting a good 2h early, the only really good on is the hammer out of DM or the sword from BFD, will make your life better. Stay sword and board until then and don't pull more then one mob at a time. Find help at 30 to get a WW axe as fast as you can and re-spec at 40 for MS. WW axe and MS will make the coast to 60 much easier and for gods sake don't try to dps the dungeons, tank them.