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Proffesion choice
Sun Jul 05, 2015 4:21 pm
by Afteruin
Hello, I just started leveling up a warrior, who is going to do mostly PvE and a bit of PvP (mostly world). Which proffesions do you suggest? Engi or BS? I really would like to check out all the vanilla engi stuff like gnomish death ray, granades and many other stuff but good gear and money (and even maybe a little bit of role play) in bs is worth considering. What do you think? Engi or bs? or something else?
Re: Proffesion choice
Mon Jul 06, 2015 8:51 am
by SuperDuck
Engineering is the ultimate pvp professio. Its also the only profession whichngives you an advantagenyou cant just buy from the AH. OTOH its not very much of a moneymaking profession, but so far its been cheap enough to level for me.
Re: Proffesion choice
Mon Jul 06, 2015 9:20 pm
by Badtank
Engi is required to pvp at a good level. Beyond that it doesn't matter.
Re: Proffesion choice
Tue Jul 07, 2015 8:56 am
by Afteruin
What about bs? Is it any useful, does it have any blacksmithers items only? Good money out of it? I guess engi is bad for money.
Re: Proffesion choice
Wed Jul 08, 2015 8:52 am
by St0rfan
Afteruin wrote:What about bs? Is it any useful, does it have any blacksmithers items only? Good money out of it? I guess engi is bad for money.
I think there are 1-2 FireResist armor pieces from Thorium Brotherhood exalted that are BoP (and thus only usable my the crafter) but other than that BS doesnt offer much. Ability to craft crit-stones for raiding I guess is nice. Engi is nice for grenades when AoE tanking in 5mans and later on Goblin-packs in BWL. Herb and Alchemy would probably be your best bet if you want to save money on raid consumables and sell some on AH too.