Gnome Warrior Advice
Posted: Thu Jul 09, 2015 1:20 pm
Going to roll a gnome. Stats aren't great but gnomes are badasses.
Going warrior because I actually want to do some tanking. So I plan on being a prot warrior. Everything I read says you really can't solo level in Prot at all, though. So if I level in arms, when do I switch to Prot? Confused with the whole ability to switch specs (new to WoW still, I'm an EQ guy)
Going warrior because I actually want to do some tanking. So I plan on being a prot warrior. Everything I read says you really can't solo level in Prot at all, though. So if I level in arms, when do I switch to Prot? Confused with the whole ability to switch specs (new to WoW still, I'm an EQ guy)