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Gnome Warrior Advice

PostPosted: Thu Jul 09, 2015 1:20 pm
by Grinde
Going to roll a gnome. Stats aren't great but gnomes are badasses.

Going warrior because I actually want to do some tanking. So I plan on being a prot warrior. Everything I read says you really can't solo level in Prot at all, though. So if I level in arms, when do I switch to Prot? Confused with the whole ability to switch specs (new to WoW still, I'm an EQ guy)

Re: Gnome Warrior Advice

PostPosted: Thu Jul 09, 2015 1:28 pm
by St0rfan
Grinde wrote:Going to roll a gnome. Stats aren't great but gnomes are badasses.

Going warrior because I actually want to do some tanking. So I plan on being a prot warrior. Everything I read says you really can't solo level in Prot at all, though. So if I level in arms, when do I switch to Prot? Confused with the whole ability to switch specs (new to WoW still, I'm an EQ guy)

1. If you are serious about end-game raiding further on, your decision on race should reflect that. If you want to be the most effective tank as can be you should choose any of the other races. Humans with weapon skill are TPS, Dwarf with stoneform or Night Elf with 1% Extra dodge and some base nature resist for AQ later on. If you plan to PvP gnomes are a good choice though.

2. Yes, lvling as prot is slow, tedious and neigh-impossible and I advice firmly against it. All content up to, and including the first 10man raid (UBRS) is completely tankable in arms or fury spec. lvl as arms or fury to 60, and do so with 2handers as dualwield penalty is quite severe when lvling and in bad gear.

Re: Gnome Warrior Advice

PostPosted: Thu Jul 09, 2015 1:44 pm
by Grinde
Don't plan on doing a ton of end game, to be honest...