As I am getting closer to 60 I am looking more at the gearing and specs for end game raiding, as I have little to no interest in PVP. I have a dwarf warrior and I like the feel of using a 2 hander rather than dual weilding in Fury, I am wondering if it is at all viable to play arms and use a 2 hander in raids without sacrificing too much dps.
From my reasearch into specs and such, I have found very mixed answers about arms. I believe I found that arms was less gear intensive, so would that be better to start with and switch to fury at a later point when I have more gear? Or should I just attempt to go fury right away with mediocre gear as a fresh 60?
I played in vanilla and TBC wow but never really got into raiding at the time, so I don't have the knowledge of what it was like in retail at the time.
Also if Arms is a viable spec for PVE could someone assist in a pre-BiS list and the best spec to use?