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Protection warrior talents HELP

PostPosted: Sat Feb 28, 2015 12:52 pm
by CptFoamBeard
so with nostalrius lying around the corner me and my friends are going to play alot of nos and i want to be the tank and im not that good at choosing the right talents so if anyone could help me that would be nice :)

Re: Protection warrior talents HELP

PostPosted: Sat Feb 28, 2015 1:33 pm
by Putni
Go full Arms.

You can easily tank mobs with that talent anyway, and it makes your life easier outside dungeons, even if you plan on grouping all the times with friends. As long as everyone is paying attention during dungeons, you cannot wipe, even though a full on prot is a big difference even around level 30, when the finer points start to come to the surface.

I usually use this talent while I level, starting with Arms, then going for the 5 Cruelty, then filling the rest in Prot for better survivability in dungeons till max level. ... 502301103i

I usually skip the third point in Improved Heroic Strike and only fill it once I need the last point for Mortal Strike, even though at that level it is not really useful (but as a tank, you can still benefit from it).

Seeing the 8 debuff slots, in case you got 3 caster DPS (or anyone who might make use of dots and debuffs) among your friends you will do dungeons with, this might be a better build in order not to steal their effects (only advised if you are really always going to go with at least one more person while questing, because it misses a crucial talent on the Arms tree): ... 502301103i

If you are really hell-bent on being a full on tank, then you might want to try out this one: ... 502301103i

Points outside the Prot tree can be moved around however you like, I just quickly came up with them. Some points can even be moved on the Prot tree, this is my preference.

Re: Protection warrior talents HELP

PostPosted: Sun Mar 01, 2015 7:54 pm
by osa
if you want a deep protect build ( MT spec for raid or other thing )

basics pts : ... 105c201031

my build :
1st : ... 0510221051

- arms : 5% parry
tactical mastery (switch intercept can be very usefull in few pve encounter or addin in 5ppl dongeon)
improve HS : when you are in raid boss give you lot of rage so you can spam HS easly with it (not mandatory)

- Fury : 5 cruelty : 5% crit = more aggro !

protec : - imp shield bloc : 1/3 coz few boss can use 2charge of shield bloc in 6sec :)
- other talents are very usefull or mandatory 5/5 defiance / last stand / shield slam / etc ...

sorry for my bad engrish i hope this help you !

Re: Protection warrior talents HELP

PostPosted: Tue Mar 03, 2015 5:04 pm
by Armilus
To add on to what Osa said about imp shield block. Bosses have a 2.5s attack speed, so there is no way they are going to use both charges of shield block before the cooldown is over (6s). The first points gives you 1 additional block and the remaining 2 only increase duration, they are effectively useless against single targets and against multiple targets your shield block charges are going to disappear very quickly anyway.

Shield block is important because it pushes crushing blow off the attack table and allows you to use revenge. On anything 3 levels higher than you, if you keep shield block up 100% of the time, you will take far less damage due to no crushing blows.

I consider Imp shield wall, imp revenge, imp shield bash, imp disarm, imp demo shout and more than 2/5 in tactical master to be 'optional' talents.

These are the talents you absolutely must have as a tank at 60 after that put points into whatever 'optional' talents you like best.

For leveling you really don't need prot talents to tank instances. If you really want to go prot ASAP and level by tanking instances, I would wait until at least level 29 or 30, before that your gear has a much higher impact on your ability to tank than talents do.

Re: Protection warrior talents HELP

PostPosted: Tue Mar 03, 2015 6:20 pm
by Putni
For some reason I assumed OP wants to get talents for leveling as a Protection Warrior, the other two posts made me realize it might not be the case.

To add to what Armilus said, Sunder Armor is a very important skill, too, and if you just spam Sunder Armor (which you shouldn't), you get a free one with the talent every 5 hits.

So that should be a compulsory choice as well.

The remaining 3 points can be distributed as optional.

I wouldn't take Improved Shield Wall, because the game is designed so that when you really need to use it, you should be out of the danger zone in the original duration, if you are not, the raid is going to wipe anyway (there are a few exceptions to this, but generally this is the case).

Improved Shield Bash, Improved Heroic Strike and Tactical Mastery all have their uses in different situations, so one of them is worth considering for the remaining points.

Shield Bash gives you a silencing ability that works well against trash mobs and mobs in dungeons that have casting abilities. Heroic Strike is not that important a skill, but you use it if the boss or mob in question hits hard and you have excessive rage to spend, so it's worth considering, although the reason why you use it is the amount of excessive rage in the first place.

Tactical Mastery is probably the best to take to the maximum though because you will come across many situations both in dungeons and raids when you simply have to stance-dance and that +15 rage instantly makes your life very comfortable. But it really depends on the encounter, your gear, your own skill in the game etc.

Important thing is to take everything that was said before me + Improved Sunder Armor. Remaining three points are up to your convenience.

Re: Protection warrior talents HELP

PostPosted: Sat Mar 07, 2015 9:28 am
by Irachkom