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Warrior advice: spec

PostPosted: Mon Aug 10, 2015 2:17 pm
by DutchCookie
I am relatively new to (vanilla) WOW and I don't really now what spec tree to go down on as a warrior. I see alot of people saying warriors are only viable at tanking, is this true? I am currently enjoying using a 2h and going down the arms tree, because it seems most fitting for dps to me. Can warriors be a viable dps in dungeons? If yes which talents should I choose. If not should I go protection tree and become a tank? Or is somekind of hybrid possible?
Please help me out.

Thank you for anyone kind enough to reply.

Re: Warrior advice: spec

PostPosted: Mon Aug 10, 2015 8:18 pm
by chunass
Anyone telling you that warriors are only viable as tanks is a dumbass. A well geared warrior will be around the top of the dps meter in most raid fights. Warriors are however one of the most gear dependant classes and of course won't do well with bad gear. I don't know what level you are, but you don't want to spec protection unless you're 60 or close to it, unless you plan to grind out all your levels in dungeons. What most people seem to do is to lvl as fury until lvl 40 and then respec arms for mortal strike up to lvl 60. Then if you want to dps in PvE at lvl 60, you'll probably want to spec back into fury and dual wield.

You'll want to go for a tree that looks something like this , you could spec into 3/3 imp heroic strike and go 4/5 tactical mastery in arms, and go 3/3 imp cleave and 2/5 imp battle shout in fury, whatever you prefer. Dual wield sucks for PvP though where arms spec with a 2-hander is superior, so choose what you want to do and spec accordingly :>

Re: Warrior advice: spec

PostPosted: Mon Aug 10, 2015 8:36 pm
by Talryx
Just bear in mind that DPS Warrior is one of the most overplayed class/spec combos on this server, and some people will get frustrated with you because they see warrior and assume you are a tank.

This server has a deficiency of decent tanks, so if you go the tank route you will be very in demand for dungeons, elite quests, raid stuff later, etc...

Re: Warrior advice: spec

PostPosted: Mon Aug 10, 2015 9:11 pm
by riq and snog
For lvling efficient spec 2 hand fury from 1-59, tanking low dungeons can be done without prot spec.
- Get first aid
- Get cooking
- Optional be herb/ alchy as proffs for selfmade heal pots.
- Keep your weapons as updated as possible (Shield, 1 hand for tanking, 2 hand for smacking)
- Abuse enrage(fury talent 25% Dmg when u get hit critically) mobs have 100% chance to crit you while you sit... charge, sit start smackin.
- Get a range weapon for nasty pulls
- Use harmstring or piercing howl (again fury talent) to run away if pull goes badly
- Correct usage of slam is an extra hit
- No respec when getting new weapon yay fury:-) arms has weapon specialisation beeeh lvling.
- Minor self heal with fury talents
- flurry attack speed boost yay fury.

Arms effectively gives you improved overpower, stance dance, mortal strike debuff and sweeping strikes--> which is more pvp oriented... but hey your lvling on a pvp server:-)

- Warrior lvling sucks, you gonna die a lot. dont get discouraged:-)


Re: Warrior advice: spec

PostPosted: Tue Aug 11, 2015 7:26 am
by St0rfan
riq and snog wrote:For lvling efficient spec 2 hand fury from 1-59, tanking low dungeons can be done without prot spec.
- Get first aid
- Get cooking
- Optional be herb/ alchy as proffs for selfmade heal pots.
- Keep your weapons as updated as possible (Shield, 1 hand for tanking, 2 hand for smacking)
- Abuse enrage(fury talent 25% Dmg when u get hit critically) mobs have 100% chance to crit you while you sit... charge, sit start smackin.
- Get a range weapon for nasty pulls
- Use harmstring or piercing howl (again fury talent) to run away if pull goes badly
- Correct usage of slam is an extra hit
- No respec when getting new weapon yay fury:-) arms has weapon specialisation beeeh lvling.
- Minor self heal with fury talents
- flurry attack speed boost yay fury.

Arms effectively gives you improved overpower, stance dance, mortal strike debuff and sweeping strikes--> which is more pvp oriented... but hey your lvling on a pvp server:-)

- Warrior lvling sucks, you gonna die a lot. dont get discouraged:-)


This covers it all. I wouldnt recommend a newbie to be using slam though. That'll never work out well.