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Pre-60 OW PvP while leveling solo: What class can't I gank?

PostPosted: Wed Aug 12, 2015 5:48 pm
by itwasfree

One of my favorite things about WoW was engaging in ganking (and being ganked) while leveling. It kept things dynamic and exciting while grinding away. It's the primary reason I've leveled so many alts and keep coming back to the game.

However, I've been away from the imbalance of Vanilla WoW for a long time. I remember distinct instances of "If you're x class, don't bother trying to fight y class. Just be happy you saw them first."

I know at 60, with gear & pocket heals/cleanses, it's a whole 'nother story.
But pre-60, what classes should I simply avoid as an Arms warrior?

Re: Pre-60 OW PvP while leveling solo: What class can't I ga

PostPosted: Wed Aug 12, 2015 8:01 pm
by zotek
Stay away from

Mages, warlocks, druids

Pre 30 also stay away from

Hunters, priests

Gank rogues if you can spot them first i guess. And paladins unless they got CDs

If low level pvp is your primary concern warrior probably isent the class for it

Re: Pre-60 OW PvP while leveling solo: What class can't I ga

PostPosted: Wed Aug 12, 2015 8:23 pm
by itwasfree
zotek wrote:If low level pvp is your primary concern warrior probably isent the class for it

Hah, I appreciate the advice. Pretty comprehensive list there, thanks!

Unfortunately, I highly prefer Horde/Melee and like to have a viable off-spec (tank/heals). Feral Druid is may bae but Vanilla was a bad time for them. Could run Rogue and give up Tanking, but I think I'll just bite the bullet and give up ganking 50% of the population.

Re: Pre-60 OW PvP while leveling solo: What class can't I ga

PostPosted: Wed Aug 12, 2015 10:27 pm
by zotek
Dont get me wrong you can still kill people and you will, depending mostly on how smart the other guy is. Especially when you get the good weapons like whirlwind axe/ice barbed spear you become a force of reckoning as long as they dont know how to kite. But warrior really dosent shine in 1v1.

Re: Pre-60 OW PvP while leveling solo: What class can't I ga

PostPosted: Wed Aug 12, 2015 10:32 pm
by itwasfree
zotek wrote:Dont get me wrong you can still kill people and you will, depending mostly on how smart the other guy is. Especially when you get the good weapons like whirlwind axe/ice barbed spear you become a force of reckoning as long as they dont know how to kite. But warrior really dosent shine in 1v1.

Yup, I knew most of this. The reason I asked was just to have a frame of reference while leveling. I've rolled warrior for a specific set of reasons, but I love open world PvP while leveling. But as I'm running around, it's good to have perspective on what is and isn't a worthwhile endeavor.

Appreciate the insight!

Re: Pre-60 OW PvP while leveling solo: What class can't I ga

PostPosted: Thu Aug 13, 2015 1:12 am
by PhilipRed
Warrior is probably the worst pre 60 class

Re: Pre-60 OW PvP while leveling solo: What class can't I ga

PostPosted: Thu Aug 13, 2015 6:35 am
by GnOp
itwasfree wrote:One of my favorite things about WoW was engaging in ganking (and being ganked) while leveling.

Don't worry man, you'll be ganked by lvl 60 ally during all your lvling.

Re: Pre-60 OW PvP while leveling solo: What class can't I ga

PostPosted: Thu Aug 13, 2015 12:27 pm
by itwasfree
GnOp wrote:
itwasfree wrote:One of my favorite things about WoW was engaging in ganking (and being ganked) while leveling.

Don't worry man, you'll be ganked by lvl 60 ally during all your lvling.


And no stealth to deal with it. Huzzah!
What have I done to myself.

Re: Pre-60 OW PvP while leveling solo: What class can't I ga

PostPosted: Fri Aug 21, 2015 10:21 am
by Arucado
Warrior is the worst solo class in the whole game

Re: Pre-60 OW PvP while leveling solo: What class can't I ga

PostPosted: Fri Aug 21, 2015 1:30 pm
by itwasfree
Arucado wrote:Warrior is the worst solo class in the whole game

I've gotten to level 34 so far with 0 problems leveling as Arms.
I have Cooking/First Aid, so it's usually kill 2 mobs. Heal up. Rinse repeat.
Honestly, leveling a rogue was significantly more difficult. Mainly because so many mobs require a range pull, which fucks a rogue out of an opener but only screws me out of 12 rage.

I mean, if I get ganked I'm usually a 100% dead. But Ally seem to be taking it easy on me. And when it does happen, it doesn't bother me. Part of leveling on a PvP server (and being guildless/partiless).

As far as what I can gank, the only things I've avoided are Locks/Priests/Paladins. Once I hit 40 and have Berserker Rage/Pummel/Mortal Strike, I'll probably start ganking those as well.

[I didn't mention mages, because fuck mages. I'm not even gonna try.]