Fury - Leveling Build Order

Fury - Leveling Build Order

by Njörd » Sun Aug 16, 2015 11:10 am


I've just started a dwarf warrior a few days ago, and I decided to go for a fury build. Since I've got very few time to play, my goal is not the high level content but just having fun leveling, doing some low level instances and PvP.

- Could you suggest me a good fury build? (I've found several links to the wowprovider talent calculator but the website seems to be broken)
- I'd like to know the order of the build. For now I've been spending 5 points in Cruelty and 1 in Unbridled Wrath, should I switch back to Arms at a certain point or first spend all the points in fury and then in arms?
If someone could give me a good build order of the main talents it would be nice. Something like this:

1 Improved Overpower
2 Impale
3 Cruelty
4 Unbridled Wrath (if dual wielding only)
5 Improved Battle Shout
6 Enrage
7 Death Wish
8 Flurry
9 Bloodthirst

Thanks a lot for your help, GL HF!

Re: Fury - Leveling Build Order

by dragonbane » Mon Aug 17, 2015 8:24 am


I'm also looking for tips on how to build a fury warrior.

Re: Fury - Leveling Build Order

by Ektelion » Mon Aug 17, 2015 9:40 am


this is how u start, after this its your choice.

completely skip impale on the low levels.
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Re: Fury - Leveling Build Order

by Njörd » Mon Aug 17, 2015 11:40 am

Thanks for your reply.

After this, can I continue in the Fury tree until Bloodthirst, or are there talents in the Arms tree that I should get very early? No risk to have a lack of rage or anything else which is primordial for a warrior?

Re: Fury - Leveling Build Order

by Zaft » Mon Aug 17, 2015 8:14 pm

Ektelion wrote:http://db.vanillagaming.org/?talent#LZVV0m

this is how u start, after this its your choice.

completely skip impale on the low levels.

I don't think that's a great start to be honest. I might be a bit outdated on warriors as last time I leveled one was back in vanilla, but I still think what I'm about to say is pure logic, so please tell me if I'm wrong.

The higher level your battle Shout is the more valuable the talent becomes; at a low level you don't get too much extra for each 5% extra to your BS, which in my opinion makes it quite a horrible talent to pick for leveling, at least to start with, considering warriors need every considerable boost they can get early on.

Piercing Howl is a MUST HAVE in my opinion as it's a great way to reset the fight and get away if you're having trouble (which WILL HAPPEN as a warrior) and as a result it should be picked as soon as possible.

I don't know the exact % of heal on Blood Craze (as it's bugged in the calculator), but if I remember correctly it's quite useful for leveling.

Hence the first part would look like this: http://db.vanillagaming.org/?talent#LZVVzh

Njörd wrote:Thanks for your reply.

After this, can I continue in the Fury tree until Bloodthirst, or are there talents in the Arms tree that I should get very early? No risk to have a lack of rage or anything else which is primordial for a warrior?

Continue down the fury tree, there are so many important talents there that you need. Enrage is AMAZING and I've been told that you can pop it at the start of every fight together with Blood Craze by turning around and sitting down after charge, so that the mob has a 100% chance to crit you. Death Wish is also quite sick, flurry is a quite the dps boost and DW specialization is a decentish boost to your damage. Needless to say: Fury has some amazing talents, much better than that of its counterpart Arms.
Last edited by Zaft on Mon Aug 17, 2015 11:27 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Fury - Leveling Build Order

by JeeTee » Mon Aug 17, 2015 9:10 pm

While I'm not an advocate of leveling fury, I agree completely with the points Zaft has made.
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Re: Fury - Leveling Build Order

by Njörd » Mon Aug 17, 2015 11:09 pm

Thank you Zaft for your advice =). Piercing Howl seems in fact to be a very interesting talent in order to run away, it might help me out to spend more time hitting the mobs alive than running across the map as a ghost ;)

Speaking of running away, one small question: is hamstring supposed to slow down fleeing humanoids? It seems that they run away the same speed if I cast it on them or not (it works very well in all other situations).

Re: Fury - Leveling Build Order

by Zaft » Mon Aug 17, 2015 11:30 pm

JeeTee wrote:While I'm not an advocate of leveling fury, I agree completely with the points Zaft has made.

Yeah, the big problem with leveling fury is the high mis rate which can really screw with your rage generation, though bloodthirst is quite an amazing ability. I leveled arms to 60 back in vanilla, and had no real problems with it. I've seen some people advocate for 2h slam fury, but it's probably not worth checking out unless you're really familiar with the skill.

When it comes down to it the difference between leveling fury and arms shouldn't be too huge, it's gonna suck either way. The most important part are your weapons.
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Re: Fury - Leveling Build Order

by Ektelion » Tue Aug 18, 2015 12:42 pm

Blood craze is completely useless on low levels i dont recommend you take it, your health pool is so low that blood craze isn't even worth mentioning.

because 20% battle shout gives less attack power than level 60 it doesn't mean you shouldn't take it, 20% for lvl 60 is as strong as 20% is for lvl 30.

this would be my lvling build.


after this you go down on arms tree to get impale

no question about slam, 2hand all the way ( i would never recommend anyone leveling as dual wield )
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Re: Fury - Leveling Build Order

by vido » Tue Aug 18, 2015 9:00 pm

As I've mentioned in the previous thread concerning leveling builds, arms talents are on par for the first two tiers and obliterate the third tier.

Improved rend is as good as 3/5 cruelty and deflection shouldnt be underestimated either.

TM is bad until you get WW, however UW is 5 wasted points all the way up to 60 unless you dual wield.

Deep wounds and overpower on the next tier make imp bshout look like garbage and piercing howl isnt very efficient. Keep in mind that DW is very good, even better than impale if you use a 2h despite short fights due to your low crit chance while leveling.

Enrage and deathwish wish are the essential talents that make fury the top dog for single target damage. Imp Slam given a 3.80+ weapon would do more DPR than WW since it's not normalised, but it's rendered useless unless you time both your own and your enemies swings.

Arms on the other hand has devastating AoE dps. With TM, weapon specs and mortal strike you will also better equipped for pvp.

Theoretically the best rotation with shit gear, a slow 2h and 0 delay would be spamming your slam key on every occasion. Some people seem to forget however that the world of warcraft isn't a perfect world and you will have to deal with delay and pulling multiple mobs and endless pvp.
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