Are fury/DPS warriors accepted into dungeon pugs?

Are fury/DPS warriors accepted into dungeon pugs?

by Graeter » Wed Aug 26, 2015 5:04 pm

Hello, I've made a warror on Nost that I'm having a lot of fun with, but I'm a bit concerned about what prospects there will be at lvl 60 for dungeons. I don't mind tanking, but that's not what I care the most about, and I'd like to play as DW fury instead. Are fury warriors accepted as DPS in random dungeon pugs, or will people instead get a rogue, mage, warlock etc? Basically, is it a bad idea to make a warror with the intent of being DPS?

I can imagine the actual tanks not liking the competition for loot, but I guess for weapons, rogues will want many of the same as fury anyhow. I've also played other games where people "discriminate" against tank classes who come as DPS, and I can imagine that it would be an even bigger thing in wow vanilla since there is no dual-spec.

Re: Are fury/DPS warriors accepted into dungeon pugs?

by zmandude24 » Wed Aug 26, 2015 6:39 pm

They will have a hard time getting accepted into 5 man pugs since tanks are rare enough to be able to exclude you (and in vanilla most tanks are warriors in 5 mans). You will probably have to tank if you want to find a pug in a timely manner, but you can tank all the dungeons in dps spec as long as you have a good 1H and shield.

Also, it's a smart idea to tank the dungeons regardless of the spec you intend to raid as because you will be able to get some fury gear faster as a tank. Also you won't be forced to tank in raids since fury dps is strong and the ratio of tanks to group size is cut roughly in half for 40 mans. Fury appears to have it easier than a tank finding a guild for 40 mans.
Sergeant Major
Sergeant Major

Re: Are fury/DPS warriors accepted into dungeon pugs?

by Zaft » Wed Aug 26, 2015 8:01 pm

It's just as hard as getting in as a rogue. The difference between picking a rogue and a fury warr is quite small. On the upside a fury warr can offtank if tank dies and a rogue cannot outside of evasion.
Sergeant Major
Sergeant Major

Re: Are fury/DPS warriors accepted into dungeon pugs?

by zmandude24 » Wed Aug 26, 2015 8:35 pm

Zaft wrote:It's just as hard as getting in as a rogue.

Perhaps for raids but not for dungeons since fury warriors are shunned in those since they will want a lot of the same gear as the tank.
Sergeant Major
Sergeant Major

Re: Are fury/DPS warriors accepted into dungeon pugs?

by St0rfan » Wed Aug 26, 2015 9:02 pm

As a protection warrior myself I will rarely, if ever bring a fury warrior to my 5man runs unless I know there's no gear overlap or the fury wants a specific item that I dont want. Also there's the issue of fury not being able to CC although I tend to use minimal CC.

TLDR: Expect to be tanking in 5mans. It will happen, ALOT.
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Re: Are fury/DPS warriors accepted into dungeon pugs?

by Killstick » Thu Aug 27, 2015 11:13 am

It's kind of a double edged sword.

The tank will 99% be a warrior. And he will want to roll on as much gear as possible (all tank stuff, all plate). Normally when i go into a dungeon as fury i don't roll for tanking gear since fury is my mainspec. Obviously when I start a grp and can't find another tank or join a grp as tank I do mention it to my group. Since fury is my mainspec, if i go on an emp run as tank i will roll on the headpiece from magmus but also on HoJ. But i will always inform my group about it.

In light of just clearing the dungeon, fury is really good. High armor so no super big deal if you get agro. Nice aoe for clearing normal groups, OK control with piercing howl, hamstring, pummel, fear if you have to. It's not cooldown dependant.
Sergeant Major
Sergeant Major

Re: Are fury/DPS warriors accepted into dungeon pugs?

by Undertanker » Fri Aug 28, 2015 10:04 pm

Just have the mind set I am tanking when it comes to pugs. You will not spend an hour looking for a tank who ends up being a 3.7k house made of sticks.

You can be selective in who you bring. I would suggest getting the raiding guild first and start gearing with guild runs only. Tank for them. You both need same loot? Didnt win it? Guess what, he dont need it next time. You will jave plenty of time for relationship building with your new guildies during this time which is very important.

On raid night, if you and another petson are on the bubble for last few spots in raid who do you think they will take. The anti social, raid logging person who doesnt help guild get gear or the guy who participates, helps guildies and the guild knows "hey lets get him epics so all this stuff we do together is easier".

As previously mentioned, raid tanks are only two maybe three people, they will have most their gear so all tank items they would dump on you cause hey, this guy tanks our 5mans. This approach will give you the best gear ifor fury and tanking with the least amount of time. Also by the end of it, your guild will love you for it and ensure you get the dps pieces you are after.
Stone Guard
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