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Warrior is it worth playing, end game

PostPosted: Wed Sep 02, 2015 10:40 am
by Golinski
Hello there, i am currently exping my warrior human level 40+ speced as arms and its fine, i am now thinking about endgame, i want to pve and a bit pvp, was thinking about being Tank at pve but hmm on retail iwas always p-laying rogue so i am used to dps, is it worth respecing fury when i hit 60? are those warrior needed in 5 man and raids? tbh i started playing on retail from the start of TBC so i dont ahve exp in vanilla

Re: Warrior is it worth playing, end game

PostPosted: Wed Sep 02, 2015 4:19 pm
by Armilus
Golinski wrote:Hello there, i am currently exping my warrior human level 40+ speced as arms and its fine, i am now thinking about endgame, i want to pve and a bit pvp, was thinking about being Tank at pve but hmm on retail iwas always p-laying rogue so i am used to dps, is it worth respecing fury when i hit 60? are those warrior needed in 5 man and raids? tbh i started playing on retail from the start of TBC so i dont ahve exp in vanilla

If you plan to raid then fury is the best option. Most guilds will already have prot warriors and typically if one tank leaves one of the DPS warriors that already has tanking gear from MC will step up.

As a fury warrior you should expect to tank 5man instances and off tank during raids. If your ultimate goal is to be a prot warrior in a raiding guild, start out as fury and make sure you have a BiS pre-raid tank set. Offer to tank whenever the raid needs an off tank and just wait for a prot warrior to quit or get bored and switch to DPS.

As for respecing fury at 60, depends on your gear. If you are still leveling as arms by then, you might as well wait until you have a bit of pre-raid BiS gear and at least 7-8% +hit. If you really want to gear up fast, spec prot at 60 so you can tank dungeons in your crappy gear then respec to fury once you have enough hit and two decent weapons.

You could even respec fury around level 50 once you get thrash blade.

Re: Warrior is it worth playing, end game

PostPosted: Wed Sep 02, 2015 8:21 pm
by Undertanker
You can pvp AV as proc. I get about 12 killing blows, push the turtles back cause people cant kill me, and pick up to tank all the elites. Went 25-3 past week.

Re: Warrior is it worth playing, end game

PostPosted: Thu Sep 03, 2015 1:15 am
by The Shortest Path
The server already has several hundred fury warriors that can't find groups because there are too many of them. Learn to tank well and you'll have people jumping all over you to do content.

Re: Warrior is it worth playing, end game

PostPosted: Thu Sep 03, 2015 6:35 am
by Seth Rollins
There is a massive shortage of tanks on this server. If you go prot you'll have no problems finding a group and getting geared.

Re: Warrior is it worth playing, end game

PostPosted: Thu Sep 03, 2015 6:20 pm
by zmandude24
Tanks are in much more demand in 5 mans, but neither fury or prot is in high demand in raids due to too many warriors on the server. The tank to group size ratio is cut in half for raids and even then a couple of the tanks will need to dps on some fights. Don't pick a warrior if you don't absolutely love the class since you will have a huge setback if things don't work out between you and a raiding guild.

Re: Warrior is it worth playing, end game

PostPosted: Thu Sep 03, 2015 10:30 pm
by Kahmos
Here is a couple things about playing a Fury Warrior:

Everyone wants you to tank 5 mans, they expect you to have tank gear when its taboo to roll on tank gear in 5 mans when you're not tanking, so expect that.

Most people think that you need to hold back in raids because you don't have threat reduction, but this is actually the tanks job, to generate enough threat so that the whole raid can dps as hard as they can. If you have a good threat generating tank count yourself lucky.

You don't get to collect tier gear in raids, and the loot you need is shared with the rogues, the second most popular class, this means you could be potentially raiding for a long time before you get anything from raids. The exceptions are the plate dps belt on Ragnaros, the boots from Chromaggus in BWL, Deathbringer from Onyxia, and an assortment of gear released in AQ20; AQ40; ZG and Naxxaramus. Expect to have a lot of DKP to spend when you have the chance to loot an item, but not not expect to get many upgrades like the rest of your fellow raiders.

Several of your nearly best in slot forever pieces are crafted or acquired from world drops. These are Lionheart Helm, Titanic Leggings, and Edgemaster's Handguards. These items are all expensive to acquire, so expect to be farming a lot of gold for these.

Fury Warriors have access to a lot of stackable consumables to pump their dps, these all cost a lot of gold to collect and a lot of time to farm, but combined puts you at the top of the dps charts, so long as you're willing to spend them. Spend these intelligently as you may find yourself in wipefest raids where using them might cost you a fortune in a short period of time to try and make up for poor performance from others in the raid.

If you do these things and play the class right, you'll have one of the most enjoyable dps classes to play while being on the top of the charts, while also having the ability to tank, and to play one of the most OP classes in pvp so long as you have a healer at your back and/or a Free Action Potion in your pocket!

Re: Warrior is it worth playing, end game

PostPosted: Fri Sep 04, 2015 12:11 am
by Aten
I'll add my opinion as well.

-Warriors are a dime a dozen on this server. If you want to play one, make sure you are able and willing to tank regardless of spec

-I'm prot spec (only way to be imo) and I've run into a brick wall at 60. Basically, once I get my drac shield from UBRS I will have all my pre-raid BiS and there won't be any advancing my gear from there. This is mostly because I'm too limited in playtimes to commit to raiding; the upside is I genuinely enjoy tanking and can help my guildies with 5 and 10 mans but won't be going to MC and beyond anytime soon. Be prepared for this if you want to play as prot spec.

-I'm torn as to whether I level a hunter or lock next. I'll run into the same brickwall at 60 but at least I'll have an easier time getting a filler spot in MC etc if I happen to be on when my guild is running them.

-People will tell you a warrior is hard to level, these people need to learn to play - don't listen to them.

-Only roll a warrior if you really enjoy the class.

Re: Warrior is it worth playing, end game

PostPosted: Fri Sep 04, 2015 3:21 am
by Golinski
thanks for the feedback about dpsing and tanking in pve, on the other hand what about pvp, am i forced to farm 5 mans to do sth at bgs? or shall i hard farm av to get that Unstop Force mace and luckly geting rank 10 with leveling, bs, armors pieces? u assume its hard to find 5 mans as arms or shall i respec prot get all valor set or sth like that, pre raid weapon 2h and then just go to farm bgs

Re: Warrior is it worth playing, end game

PostPosted: Fri Sep 04, 2015 5:10 am
by The Shortest Path
You can easily tank 5-mans in an arms pvp spec, if you're a decent player with decent gear.