Warrior PvP, 1 vs 1

Warrior PvP, 1 vs 1

by PhilipRed » Wed Sep 09, 2015 8:02 am

Hello warriors,

After a few months playing my warrior i have the feeling that every single class/specc is stronger than us in 1 vs 1 pvp.

Asuming both have the same gear ( which never happens, but sometimes is more or less even) and no engineering devices or potions.

Warlocks: they get you from far away, deniying charge, full doted, deadth coil, you are dead. If you are lucky with the hits you might kill these. Sucubus warlocks kill us with no effort.

Rogues: cheapshot, kidney shot, blind, repeat, (evasion if you are not dead here) you are dead. Some of them just poison me, and stay away from me (if i move towards them they move back, if i move back they move towards me, so they deny intercept) so they can get in stealth after the bleed efect.

Hunters: their wing clip has bigger slowing effect than hamstring, so they can do the same as rogues, besides, they get you from far away so they deny charge, and also they just scatter shot you the trap, run away and kill you from far away.

Druids: bear form, we lose, if things are going bad for them, roots, heal (even with MS on), and back to bear.

Paladin: If its heal paladin, you better have fucking awesome gear, or you will never kill him, if its retribution... bubble + Lay on hands... sometimes i kill these because of disarm, it seems they dont expect something like that.

And 2 best for the end

Priest: any specc of priest kill us badly, that shield just make us dont generate rage, so we dont have buttons to press (ok somtimes i kill bad geared holy priest), shadow priest is just a joke, 1 warrior killed is about 15% of their mana, thats what they lose in the fight.

Mages: nova nova blink u dead, sheep nova, blink you dead, i have the feeling that they can press any of their skills randomly and kill us no matter what they do.

I used to play warrior in Wotlk, i got 2100+ (what is not much, but is not that bad), what means i know something about warrior, im not new to the class ( well, i miss a lot of things from wotlk but its ok). And i fell that we are almost worthless in 1 vs 1.

Everybody say, you need gear, and you need a healer, THEN, you are a killing machine ( i would also add a dispeller), but all classes with that support are great... but some of them are also great with not that great gear and with no support at all.

So any advices? i regret a bit having leveled geared a warrior, it took a lot of time, and i feel like is not a very good choice for pvp.

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Re: Warrior PvP, 1 vs 1

by norm964bgb » Wed Sep 09, 2015 10:53 am

Syngery between healer + warrior is much higher. The thing that hinders warriors mostly is roots/slows therefore if you have a dispelling and freedom giving paladin the biggest disadvantage are taken from you. Therefore you become a unstoppable killing machine. Warriors were ALWAYS dependant on group play. Therefore befriend healers and let the killing commence: No other class can basically 1-2 shot entire groups of 3 people:

A geared warrior just cleaves his way through a battleground and crits people with 4k white hits: normal swing with 5% chance of sword procc. You literally just have to charge... pressing one button to oneshot. And the greatest thing about it that you dont need to set up. Just charge and press buttons and people will topple over. If you arent quite the social gamer then I recommend ditching the warrior.
In MoP I played warrior and I played many randoms BGs. I had like 5 healers in my friendlist who I could ask to heal and we just tore through the enemies.

Edit: This video is even more rediciouls: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oKQNJL5IL2s
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Re: Warrior PvP, 1 vs 1

by Stalk » Wed Sep 09, 2015 12:46 pm

norm964bgb wrote:
A geared warrior just cleaves his way through a battleground and crits people with 4k white hits

I don't know where you got this idea but in the video you linked the warrior with Might of Menethil is hitting at the most for 2500 with a critical strike on a cloth wearer but most of them are being hit for ~2100. This required both Enrage AND Berserking to do this kind of damage.
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Re: Warrior PvP, 1 vs 1

by PhilipRed » Wed Sep 09, 2015 4:11 pm

Do i really have to get to rank 14 with and having a pocket healer to enjoy warrior? if you are saying that, it means is not very enjoyable before i can achieve that goal.

Actually im almost Rank 10, with unstoppable and some ony/MC gear, and i feel mostly like a puching ball.

Yeah i kill some undergeared players, wow, great thing.

With same gear, same skill (lets just imagine) i think we have really few oportunities aginst many other classes in 1 vs 1 situations.

Thats why i made this post, not to complain, maybe im doing something wrong, or maybe all those warriors around lose badly in 1 vs 1 like me but enjoy bigger group battles (with poket healer/dispeller).
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Re: Warrior PvP, 1 vs 1

by Rastus » Wed Sep 09, 2015 5:10 pm

Have to remember that in Vanilla there wasn't much for class balance at all. So yeah, mages and some other classes are going to be very difficult, if not nearly impossible, to kill 1v1. Although there were warriors back in vanilla that were able to. Maybe not every single 1v1 fight but at least some of the time. Swifty was able to do it (Incredible Warrior Tricks video), although that was in patch 1.11 and he was Fury spec. Plus he used Skull of Impending Doom to help him out of CC's which was in some fights the key to his victory. There were some other good Arms warriors in vanilla as well but a lot of their videos consist of BG's where they are charging in and popping recklessness to show their big crits. Laintime was really good in 1v1 situations as arms. watch his video.
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Re: Warrior PvP, 1 vs 1

by PhilipRed » Wed Sep 09, 2015 5:22 pm

I´ve just seen again swifty video, apart from awesome gear, some tricks like skull of... , he is very lucky in some duels, and some of their oponents are not that good. (warlock with imp?)

My point is, do i have to be incredibly skilled or geared to have an even fight in 1 vs 1 being a warrior? its seems like i need to put a lot more effort/time than other classes to have a good pvp fight!
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Re: Warrior PvP, 1 vs 1

by Rastus » Wed Sep 09, 2015 8:30 pm

PhilipRed wrote:I´ve just seen again swifty video, apart from awesome gear, some tricks like skull of... , he is very lucky in some duels, and some of their oponents are not that good. (warlock with imp?)

My point is, do i have to be incredibly skilled or geared to have an even fight in 1 vs 1 being a warrior? its seems like i need to put a lot more effort/time than other classes to have a good pvp fight!

Unfortunately, yes. Against certain classes it's probably just going to suck (i.e. mages). Or if a rogue gets opener on you and stunlocks, which sucks for everyone. But with better gear, the better the warrior. Warriors are the most gear dependent class in the game.
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Re: Warrior PvP, 1 vs 1

by norm964bgb » Wed Sep 09, 2015 8:58 pm

Stalk wrote:
norm964bgb wrote:
A geared warrior just cleaves his way through a battleground and crits people with 4k white hits

I don't know where you got this idea but in the video you linked the warrior with Might of Menethil is hitting at the most for 2500 with a critical strike on a cloth wearer but most of them are being hit for ~2100. This required both Enrage AND Berserking to do this kind of damage.

I meant he possibly can crit 2 strikes à 2k to make it 4k damage with just one "swing" proccing the other swing. Sorry for the confusion
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Re: Warrior PvP, 1 vs 1

by Undertanker » Fri Sep 11, 2015 8:15 pm

In regards to watchinv pvp vids and duel vids.

People do not post the good, the bad, the ugly. You see samples of best moments. Rank 14 best right now, AQ Naxx gear is better
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Re: Warrior PvP, 1 vs 1

by zmandude24 » Fri Sep 11, 2015 8:26 pm

Warriors are in current level gear laughing stocks without a healer to support them. Any other class can kill you with equivalent gear if they are a decent player.
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