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PvP/PVE Spec Compromise

PostPosted: Wed Sep 09, 2015 5:09 pm
by fineiskid193
Hello fellow Warriors,

I've been searching the forums for an answer to my dilemma, but so far no one seems to be having the same problem as me. Most threads I've looked at are started by someone who really wants to pvp, or really wants to pve, but not both. I have a mixed interest. I want to be able to pvp with my friends but also tank (dps is fine too but I understand having a fury warrior as dps in a dungeon is unlikely -- and I'm fine with tanking) high end dungeons like scholo/UBRS/etc, and on the rare occasion that my schedule allows me (and for some reason a group needs an OT or dps) maybe even MC.

My question is, which spec would be best? I was thinking dw fury because in pve it'd be better than arms, I could tank okay, and wouldn't be so bad in pvp. Whereas arms would be better in pvp, and I could probably OT well in it, but DPS is probably a lot worse.This is the spec I'm currently looking at with 3 extra points for maybe imp intercept, 1 more point in DW spec or shout or something... I don't know.

Contrary, here is a rough arms spec in case that turns out to be better

The problem with both specs is that I'm more concerned about damage than I am about picking up parry, shield spec, anticipation, i.e. useful tanking skills. Will this hurt my ability to tank dungeons or OT raids too much to the point where I can't do either? Or maybe just to the point where I can tank dungeons but not OT MC.

Since this is all just theory, let's just look at spec and assume I have good gear and know how to play my class.

Is asking to be able to pvp and pve decently as a vanilla warrior too much to ask?

Re: PvP/PVE Spec Compromise

PostPosted: Thu Sep 10, 2015 8:31 pm
by JeeTee
It really depends on how serious you are. You can pvp as fury but serious players won't take you in premades. Arms does more damage in entry gear and has the mortal strike healing effect that's huge in pvp.

Fury will do more dps in raids and can still be ok for pvp. Deathwish can give some decent burst, but get improved intercept if you do go fury. It's worth getting and won't hurt your dps by dropping a few puts from dual wield spec.

They honestly tank about that same, fury with a slight edge. If you're horde with windfury, arms spec can do dps in raids.

Unless you have ironfoe or a bunch of gear, I would chose arms.

If you have trouble tanking there's a hybrid 31/5/15 spec that sacrifices enrage and piercing howl. It's been posted a few times.

Re: PvP/PVE Spec Compromise

PostPosted: Thu Sep 10, 2015 9:38 pm
by Undertanker
You can do 5 mans in any spec. You will OT in MC as there are a few bosses you will be needed on. Gear is what matters, and to make up for no imp threat, just have a fast dagger for more heroic strikes while spamming sunder and revenge on cooldown.

If you want to PVP some but want to be a second or 3rd tank for your guild, I would recommend the hybrid spec to get your early def tanking talents.

Re: PvP/PVE Spec Compromise

PostPosted: Mon Sep 14, 2015 7:01 pm
by Snared
JeeTee wrote: You can pvp as fury but serious players won't take you in premades.

Have you done premades on this server? It's all wintrading with empty battlegrounds, no one cares what spec you are.

Re: PvP/PVE Spec Compromise

PostPosted: Mon Sep 14, 2015 7:56 pm
by Armilus
Your Fury spec is pretty much cookie cutter PvE raid DPS spec.

It sounds like you aren't planning to run MC, in that case I would avoid the fury spec all together. I find that arms does better damage in most dungeons because you have a lot more opportunities to use WW and Sweeping Strikes.

With a PvP spec you should have no problem doing DPS or tanking any 5man or UBRS. Probably fine for ZG as well if your gear is decent.

You really don't need tanking talents for 5 man dungeons but if your gear really sucks you can go 31/5/15 to pick up Last Stand and some points in Defiance/Anticipation/Toughness.

Re: PvP/PVE Spec Compromise

PostPosted: Tue Sep 15, 2015 12:09 am
by sidesprang
Not that I've tried but I think as long as you have good enough tanking gear you don't need any tanking talents at all to tank anything current content and I would also think you should easily be able to hold aggro on everything as long as you have fast wep and know how to mash that heroic strike.

I would just try to go full arms PvP build and see if it works, for raid tanking I think you can pull it off but depends if the guild wants you in such a suboptimal spec.

Re: PvP/PVE Spec Compromise

PostPosted: Tue Sep 15, 2015 8:56 pm
by Undertanker
You will have aggro issues if you dont go hybrid. You are already missing the best aggro move, shield slam which gets even better with block value.

Onxyia will turn when she knocks you back, and swapping tanks on Golemag will be sensitive as well. If you are off tanking and dont have imp threat talents, your target should never be first kill assignment. Too many people only think about flexing their damage meter -nuts to wait for even 1 sunder. Fast weapon dont matter if you dont have rage to spam HS.

Go on a streak of dodges and parries and being missed and you are going to lose aggro on the boss. Go hybrid. You lose little and gain a lot.