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A good fury leveling spec?

PostPosted: Fri Sep 11, 2015 1:19 pm
by HobsteN
I've gotten Cruelty > Unbridled Wrath > 1 point in Blood Craze(Lvl 20)

I'm planning on duel wielding/2h depending solely on the best weapon I have available. But I also plan on tanking with a shield when I can. What's a good spec? Maybe say if your spec is focusing on lvling or if it's a hybrid of lvling and tanking.

- HobsteN

Re: A good fury leveling spec?

PostPosted: Fri Sep 11, 2015 8:32 pm
by zmandude24
You kind of have to choose between dual wielding once you get deeper into fury. However, you can tank just fine in lowbie dungeons as full dps spec if you use a 1h and shield, but don't be shy to invest some points into deflection and tactical mastery if you find yourself tanking dungeons often.

Re: A good fury leveling spec?

PostPosted: Fri Sep 11, 2015 8:32 pm
by Undertanker
L2 page 2.

Re: A good fury leveling spec?

PostPosted: Sat Sep 12, 2015 7:00 am
by St0rfan
HobsteN wrote:I've gotten Cruelty > Unbridled Wrath > 1 point in Blood Craze(Lvl 20)

I'm planning on duel wielding/2h depending solely on the best weapon I have available. But I also plan on tanking with a shield when I can. What's a good spec? Maybe say if your spec is focusing on lvling or if it's a hybrid of lvling and tanking.

- HobsteN

Forget Dualwield until you either

A) Get Ironfoe.
B) Get Thrashblade.
C) Get lvl60
D) Or all the above.

The best options you have is to either go 2h fury all the way to lvl60, or 2h fury until 40 then respec arms with Whirlwindaxe (great axe for 2h fury too). At lvl51, go AV and get Icebarbed spear, it will last you to 60. Also, you wont need any defensive talents for tanking 5mans when lvling up, getting deflection is a waste of talents that could be better spent in fury tree. Try to reach bloodthirst asap, dont spend talents in any other build.

lvl40 spec:
lvl60 spec:

Re: A good fury leveling spec?

PostPosted: Sat Sep 12, 2015 4:31 pm
by vido
You'll likely hit AV exalted before you get an ice barbed, dont count on getting at 51. Fury is a good choice if you make use of enrage sitting in between swings, 5/5 imp slam is also more damage per rage than BT/WW with a slow 2h and shit gear however you have to time it after your own auto swing and in between the swings of anything that's hitting you.