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Bug: Not Gaining Rage for hitting Critters in Dungeons

PostPosted: Sun Sep 13, 2015 4:58 pm
by Xom
One way I always used to give myself a bit more rage while tanking was to hit the lil snakes/rats in between pulls.

Last night I noticed a bug of never gaining any rage for striking these lil guys.

Re: Bug: Not Gaining Rage for hitting Critters in Dungeons

PostPosted: Mon Sep 14, 2015 2:58 pm
by Stalk
The critters on this server most likely do not have enough HP for you to reach the threshold amount of damage to give even 1 rage. The question is whether overkill damage should give rage or not. Over healing already does not give threat so it would stand to reason that rage generation would be a similar mechanic. On a side note, the critters might also not have the correct amount of HP so I could see you getting 1 rage at the most but 3 to 6 rage would be ridiculous.

Re: Bug: Not Gaining Rage for hitting Critters in Dungeons

PostPosted: Mon Sep 14, 2015 3:13 pm
by Xom
From Vanilla through Wrath, critters always gave me rage in dungeons. Getting that white crit on the way to the next set of mobs was great to help threat generation and was always a little game mechanic that I used. Seems to be a bug to me if it gives no rage here and it was fine on retail back in the day.

Re: Bug: Not Gaining Rage for hitting Critters in Dungeons

PostPosted: Tue Sep 15, 2015 2:01 pm
by JeeTee
It's a bug, albeit a pretty low priority one. Critters should give rage and they did help when tanking to keep rage up.

Re: Bug: Not Gaining Rage for hitting Critters in Dungeons

PostPosted: Tue Sep 15, 2015 2:50 pm
by Armilus
Stalk wrote:The critters on this server most likely do not have enough HP for you to reach the threshold amount of damage to give even 1 rage. The question is whether overkill damage should give rage or not. Over healing already does not give threat so it would stand to reason that rage generation would be a similar mechanic. On a side note, the critters might also not have the correct amount of HP so I could see you getting 1 rage at the most but 3 to 6 rage would be ridiculous.

Overkill damage always gave rage.

In retail I had a warrior twink, I used to stand at the farm in AB with a full rage bar from killing rats and just wreck people when they came near the flag.

Re: Bug: Not Gaining Rage for hitting Critters in Dungeons

PostPosted: Tue Sep 15, 2015 7:29 pm
by Xom
Yeah Armilus that was another big thing i did too on my warriors i played back in the day. This is obviously not a huge bug, but it seems obvious and simple enough of a determination that this is a missing feature which was present in vanilla back in the day. So i hope it's fixed :)

Re: Bug: Not Gaining Rage for hitting Critters in Dungeons

PostPosted: Tue Sep 15, 2015 7:32 pm
by Theloras
similarly for Reck Bomb Paladins, we cannot get critters or low level mobs to crit us if we tag them with judgement of light, wisdom, justice to gain agro but do no damage and then use our /sit macro to gain reck charges