by Undertanker » Mon Sep 21, 2015 7:10 pm
Let me explain something for a moment, any build that goes down then tanking tree and is not getting 3/3 imp sunder is wrong.
You should be getting 3/3 imp sunder, 2/5 imp 1 hand.
3% damage on 1h for your hs increases your tps by 2.7 to 3.5 depending on crits.
Shield slam, revenge, sunder armor do not get any increases from this.
However, having Sunder armor reduced to 12, this helps soooo much on rage starved raid bosses like onxyia and other aggro sensitive fights, helps OTs a lot for secondary threat on taunt immune bosses and is extremely usesful on 5 mans or sub-lvl 62 raid trash, as they do not do enough damage for HS spam in your rotation.
If that isnt enough, think about if you had 30 rage. Non improved can do a revenge and a sunder. I can do Sunder, revenge, sunder with that amount which is 280ish more threat. A lot more threat you will ever come close to with 3%more weapon damage on the white hits between it.