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Are warriors really that bad?

PostPosted: Sat Sep 26, 2015 4:58 pm
by fordragon77

So I've been leveling a warrior and he is 26 right now, but I have read so much trash about warriors that I'm actually thinking about rerolling a new class. How true is this?

What I read on forums and in-game:

- It will be very hard to get a raid spot as a warrior since a guild doesn't need so many tanks and there is already enough supply of tanks and off-tanks

- I generally aim to be a fury warrior dps, but a lot of people said that a raid will rather take rogues for melee dps because their damage is much better and because of the limited amount of debuffs on bosses it's not worth to bring warriors without their debuffs. And just generally warlocks, mages and rogues are much more convinient

- There are always some fury warriors in a raid group but even if you get into a raid/guild it will be very hard to gear up since there is no specific gear for fury warriors and rogues will always be top priority for melee dps loot

Are these true? Some of them seem very reasonable to me just because of the game structure of vanilla. And if it's really such a burden to get access to raids and even gear up as a fury warrior I would rather just roll another class.


Re: Are warriors really that bad?

PostPosted: Sat Sep 26, 2015 5:19 pm
by JeeTee
Be ready to tank to gear up your fury warrior. If you don't like tanking or don't have a friend list full of tanks, you should probably reroll.

Generally, very few guilds are looking for melle classes. However, if you are good enough you will be noticed and get a shot.

Seriously, don't pick warrior if you have no interest in tanking.

Re: Are warriors really that bad?

PostPosted: Sat Sep 26, 2015 5:40 pm
by gotmilk0112
Warriors aren't bad, they're just the most-populated class on the server, so finding a raid spot will be difficult.

Re: Are warriors really that bad?

PostPosted: Sun Sep 27, 2015 7:16 pm
by Alliaria
You can still just pvp if you like that, get a pocket healer and wreck

Re: Are warriors really that bad?

PostPosted: Mon Sep 28, 2015 11:48 pm
by zmandude24
They aren't bad but you have to be hard-headed to succeed as a warrior. Your best bet is to join an upcoming guild when you are 50+ that fits your schedule and be an active player there. If you do that, a tank or fury spot is in the bag for you, though the MT spot has a lot of competition. You are better off than rogues at least on the horde.