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Fury warriors and attack speed

PostPosted: Thu Oct 01, 2015 11:31 am
by Nagaflex
Hi i've been using Deathbringer(mh)+brutality blade(oh) and I'm really getting bored of my slow MH. If i use a faster MHOH combo, is my dps going to lower? I was thinking about having brutality(MH)+CHT(OH) or something like that to make fury dps faster and more enjoyable.


Re: Fury warriors and attack speed

PostPosted: Thu Oct 01, 2015 4:00 pm
by St0rfan
Nagaflex wrote:Hi i've been using Deathbringer(mh)+brutality blade(oh) and I'm really getting bored of my slow MH. If i use a faster MHOH combo, is my dps going to lower? I was thinking about having brutality(MH)+CHT(OH) or something like that to make fury dps faster and more enjoyable.


Higher damage MH means higher damage whirlwind. However, CHT got awesome stats so Brut+CHT might actually be superior.

Question: Are you orc? And are you using Edgemasters?

Re: Fury warriors and attack speed

PostPosted: Thu Oct 01, 2015 8:50 pm
by Nagaflex
I'm human which is one of the reasons why I would like to have a sword MH, and maybe get viskag+brut in the future, but if attack speed is not that important I could maybe use a QS i have laying around (the dps is ok) and brut OH. After reading the tooltips I noticed that WW is the only ability that takes weapon dmg into account but it's not that important for single target dps right?

And no I don't have edgmasters yet :/

Re: Fury warriors and attack speed

PostPosted: Thu Oct 01, 2015 9:24 pm
by St0rfan
Nagaflex wrote:I'm human which is one of the reasons why I would like to have a sword MH, and maybe get viskag+brut in the future, but if attack speed is not that important I could maybe use a QS i have laying around (the dps is ok) and brut OH. After reading the tooltips I noticed that WW is the only ability that takes weapon dmg into account but it's not that important for single target dps right?

And no I don't have edgmasters yet :/

WW is one of your main damage abilities even against single targets. Using QS for DPS would be a mistake. In your case Brut+CHT is probably your best bet. In the future aim for Viskag+Maladath, Viskag+CTS, or CTS+Maladath.

Viskag is incredibly powerful and in line with CTS.

Re: Fury warriors and attack speed

PostPosted: Thu Oct 01, 2015 10:29 pm
by Armilus
Whirlwind and overpower are your only attacks that use weapon damage and combined they make up something like ~10-15% of your DPS.

Aside from weapon skill, DPS is the most important stat on your weapons. If DPS is close then look at speed.

When comparing DB to quel, DB doesn't have the weapon skill but it has higher DPS, slower speed and a weapon proc. It lacks the most valuable stat but all the rest of it's stats are better and that more than makes up for it.

Re: Fury warriors and attack speed

PostPosted: Fri Oct 02, 2015 10:41 pm
by Charizard