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Hypothetical use of troll berserk while tanking

PostPosted: Sat Oct 03, 2015 12:47 am
by Shmooglavoue
I've been pondering about the different uses for the troll berserk racial, and I'd like clarification on an idea I had.

While I know that Tauren are typically considered the best horde race for tanking, I'm thinking that Trolls may have a different advantage in tanking. Could berserk be used to generate a substantial amount of threat early on in the fight?

Here's the scenario:

-Troll tank pulls boss
-Boss hits tank hard, does significant amount of damage
-Tank pops berserk and gets a large boost to attack speed thanks in part to missing health
-More auto-attacks means more rage
-When over-raged, start dropping heroic strikes
-Heroic strikes speed is dependent upon auto-attacks, so faster auto attacks means more rage dumping.
-Combination of typical sunders, shield slams, and sped up heroic strikes = more threat = dps can push damage a little more (or at least that there's a bigger barrier to losing aggro).

It's been a long time since I've done warrior tanking in WoW. Is this logic sound? If so, a Troll Warrior may serve well as a tank in situations where aggro needs to be picked up quickly (such as fights that require tank swapping).

Re: Hypothetical use of troll berserk while tanking

PostPosted: Sat Oct 03, 2015 1:28 am
by chunass
Yep, that sounds right. Letting a tank drop low enough to make full use of berserking would probably be too risky though, but any attack speed boost would grant more threat.

The troll racial is bugged on Nostalrius though, from what I've heard it grants a static 5% no matter how low the player's health is. RIP dreams.

Re: Hypothetical use of troll berserk while tanking

PostPosted: Sat Oct 03, 2015 2:19 am
by Undertanker
It is a feasable idea. Though you wont be white hitting. On most raid bosses that first hit will let you have more rage than you can you, even with Alcorz Sunrazor.

To person above, you dont have to "let them get low health", it happens on its own. Ever watch a tanks health? I get anxiety attacks at times when I am super low, knoe the boss 2.5 sec swing timer is about up......will I get hit, will I avoid, will a 4k heal come in followed by many mote and continued overheals? OMG potion on CD........

For horde an Tauren will always be MT, so if you are fine with being number 2, or 3rd tank with MS hybrid proc spec, this is very much something you can pull off. 31/5/15, you will miss 2 points in imp threat so theextra speed once it is fixed will make up for it on the short windows you are tanking the boss while tank 1 and 2 reset debuffs or die.