by gotmilk0112 » Thu Oct 08, 2015 7:15 pm
No, spec does not matter for sub-50 dungeons. As long as you're sword-and-board and in defensive stance, you'll be fine. Just keep your shield relatively up to date; shouldn't be too hard as quite a few quests offer shields.
No, instances really aren't worth it unless you've got 2-3 quests for that instance. Deadmines is fairly easy to get the quests for, as is Stockades. Zul'Farrak is also super easy to get a bunch of quests for, as almost all of them are right there in Gadgetzan, Steamwheedle Port, and Shimmering Flats. The good thing about being a Warrior though, is that you can get dungeon groups super easily by tanking.
Don't sweat the tedious leveling, warriors are just one of, if not the slowest and hardest class to level, being that they're the most gear dependent. Seriously, I'm leveling a warrior as well, and 1-15 was painful. At level 13 I just ragequit and went back to my Hunter for a week, so...don't feel bad. :p
You get a few boons along the way, such as your Whirlwind Axe at 30, and Ice Barbed Spear at 51, but other than that, you pretty much just have to stick it out.
Tips so far:
-Try to get some cheap blue weapons off the AH, and keep your weapons upgraded every 5 levels or so.
-Only fight things that are equal or lower than your level. Mobs 2-3 levels below you will feel easy to kill.
-Level fury, yes, I see you're already doing that. Enrage is essentially a free +25% damage, seeing as you can just sit down to force a crit upon yourself.
knotic wrote:wait this is 2015. blizzard didnt do this in 2015. year is non-blizzlike omg omg