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Ms/Prot PvP spec idea.

PostPosted: Thu Oct 08, 2015 8:36 pm
by Mithgar
The other day I was thinking of some possible warrior spec's that are the usually talent builds that could be some possible fun. The idea of this spec is to remain a support DPS, which could give benefits to a BG such as being a flag carry in WSG or being able to hold a node in AB by yourself until back up arrives.

The Spec:

It allows a person to be able to do to things. Take a lot of damage, with some minor tank abilities all while to deal a good amount back. Also, being able to hopefully stun a person down with imp. Revenge, and mace specialization.

Obviously this is based around a slim amount of weapons though, because vanilla WoW dosnt have many 1h maces worth while. Since BWL is out now, the build would probably fit best with something along the lines of this;

While I have not been able to test this out, any ideas or feedback on the idea?

Re: Ms/Prot PvP spec idea.

PostPosted: Fri Oct 09, 2015 3:38 pm
by Armilus
I would still have a 2H mace for that spec, switch to 1H + Shield as needed. You can make a hotkey for the swap with a few different addons.

Only problem with the spec is that you still don't have many options for dealing with ranged, I would really miss imp hamstring and/or piercing howl.

Edit: Also don't think imp shield block will be that useful in PvP but I'm not sure where you could put that point, maybe imp hamstring?

Re: Ms/Prot PvP spec idea.

PostPosted: Sat Oct 10, 2015 9:49 am
by Arucado
You basically are replacing:

- 5% total 2handed damage.
- 15% improved hamstring.
- 5rage from tactical mastery. (you won't be able to whirlwind just after swap stance)
- Piercing howl.
- Blood craze.
- Booming voice (for unstealth rogues)
- 25% total damage when you get a crit. (insanely op)


- 5rage when Bloodrage
- Landstand (10 min cd)
- 9% resi stun.

Apart from that, you are taking shield talents which will barely be useful, and Revenge, an ability which does 0 dmg just for the chance of stunning the target for 3 secs.

Besides of that you are taking Improved Heroic strike and improved charge, i don't even know why.

With no offense, i think this makes clear that spec is utterly useless. I don't see what beneficts could you get from that besides the last stand talent.

Go on (

Re: Ms/Prot PvP spec idea.

PostPosted: Sat Oct 10, 2015 8:48 pm
by Undertanker
Save your points, run a normal pvp spec if you want to pvp. Getting a Lifegiving Gem will work as a last syand, but half the cooldown. Afyer you use it, when out of combat swap to a different trink until 30 sec regaining on the cooldown.

If you are expecting to off tank a good bit i. Raid you should get 3 points in def, 3 in armor, 3 in thrrat for your 31/5/15 spec.

Re: Ms/Prot PvP spec idea.

PostPosted: Sat Oct 10, 2015 9:11 pm
by vido
Mace spec works terribly on this server, its utter crap. Prot/arms hybrid doesn't sound like a bad idea if you're one of the dedicated offtanks.