Nature Resistance Gear
Tue Oct 13, 2015 8:12 pm
by Problazer
With AQ coming up as the next major 40 man, how much Nature Resistance should I be aiming for as a tank? I'm currently at +70 using the following items.
Helm of the MountainHusk of Nerub'enkanElemental Rockridge LeggingsAcid-etched PauldronsEmberplate Armguards of Nature Resistance +15 NR
Any gear recommendations that I can start farming now?
Re: Nature Resistance Gear
Tue Oct 13, 2015 9:49 pm
by Armilus
Most of the gear you will want comes out with AQ40. The helm/legs you listed are all replaced with items that become available when AQ is released (Gyth skull of Nature Resistance is also much better). Noxxion drops better wrists in mara but I don't think you need them to hit NR cap.
There are crafted sets of 3 items for cloth/leather/mail/plate, they don't all cover the same slots so you can use some leather/mail pieces.
I think the only pieces you'll want to collect now are green rings with +20 NR and the NR trinkets off Noxxion.
For Viscidus all you need is NR and stam but for Huhuran you still need some decent armor and defense.
There are also a few really good epic NR pieces off the green dragons which come out after ZG but it's going to be a shit show trying to kill those world bosses.