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Which profession should I take?

PostPosted: Mon Oct 19, 2015 9:16 pm
by Loitercat
So I just saw that Nostalrious has a new PVE server, and I wanted to try some tanking. I'm wondering which profession would be best for tanking low level dungeons (RFC, SFK, etc.) , and leveling.

I heard to never take prot, as you do little to no damage. Someone else told me to just roll fury and you can still tank while dishing out major dps. I honestly don't know what to do.

I'll level my toon for now and check back frequently if I get a response. Thanks.

Re: Which profession should I take?

PostPosted: Mon Oct 19, 2015 9:22 pm
by Heldunder
mining/bs or herb/alch for consumes

and the consensus is to take fury, and use 2handers. tanking in 5mans you dont require prot tallents.

Re: Which profession should I take?

PostPosted: Mon Oct 19, 2015 9:39 pm
by Loitercat
Heldunder wrote:mining/bs or herb/alch for consumes

and the consensus is to take fury, and use 2handers. tanking in 5mans you dont require prot tallents.

Okay, arms it is. Thanks bud.

Re: Which profession should I take?

PostPosted: Mon Oct 19, 2015 9:52 pm
by St0rfan
Loitercat wrote:
Heldunder wrote:mining/bs or herb/alch for consumes

and the consensus is to take fury, and use 2handers. tanking in 5mans you dont require prot tallents.

Okay, arms it is. Thanks bud.

2h fury is better than 2h arms.