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What race for PvE/PvP

PostPosted: Wed Oct 21, 2015 2:43 am
by Kryzstof
Hi everyone!

New to Nostalrius, have played around with a few toons (highest is only at 17 right now), but having issues getting started. First of all I would like to apologize if this has been stated somewhere already. I've been browsing the forums for some time now and can't seem to find the answer (including the sticky topics, now I may just be blind, but I didn't see it.)

I'm looking for everyone's opinion on what race they prefer/find best for PvE and/or PvP.

Personally, I am hoping for Night Elf simply because I AFK fairly regularly/at odd times, so ShadowMeld would be fantastic.

Side questions if you don't mind me asking (also, pretty sure it has been asked, however, while browsing the forums I keep getting mixed answers). I am mostly looking to PvP with some PvE on the side. Yes, I am a casual player. I wouldn't mind tanking, but I find that PvP fits better with the whole "I've started playing, 30 minutes later I have to go". Which faction do you find better for PvP? I've read recently that Alliance win 58% of the AB, while only at about 39% for WSG (Think it was someone named Viper who mentioned this). What about AV though? I keep getting mixed answers!

TL;DR Best warrior race for PvE/PvP, either separate or overall.
Which faction does better in PvP?

Thank you for your replies :)

Bonus question! What would you suggest to make gold? Would it be better to level mining/skinning and sell the mats, or do mining/BS to help make gear for myself along the way?

Re: What race for PvE/PvP

PostPosted: Wed Oct 21, 2015 8:02 am
by PhilipRed
If you play horde i would recomend ORC, stun resist is great, you have a trinket-like skill for extra damage, and axe specialization is pretty good too, i a great pvp and pve choice. Usually undead is chosen because will of the forsaken for pvp, but since a warrior has his own skills to avoid fear i think orc is a better choice.

If you play Alliance... well i would say gnome, just because escape artist, as a warrior youll be rooted/slowed many times, and this racial is great for that. But im not completly sure about this since i ve never played alliance.

Re: What race for PvE/PvP

PostPosted: Wed Oct 21, 2015 1:25 pm
by chunass
The human sword and mace skills make them the best choice for PvE dps on Alliance. Perception is also nice against rogues.
Night elf dodge is a nice little bonus for both tanking and PvP. Shadowmeld is good for world pvp but not really in BG's.
Dwarf stoneform is nice against rogues but not worth going for imo. Frost res can help against mages.
The gnome racial is excellent for PvP. Getting rooted makes you temporarily useless.

Orc stun resist is very good, and their axe skill and blood fury makes them the best PvE dps choice on horde.
The Undead racial is more useful for other classes than warrior since they can deal with fear anyway. Shadow res can help against warlocks.
Tauren extra health is a nice bonus for tanking and PvP. Stomp is decent.
Troll berserking is decent (but bugged on this server and pretty bad).

Anyway, my recommendations would be gnome or orc for PvP - human or orc for PvE.
If you're going to play casually it doesn't really matter what race you choose, none of them make a huge difference. You should play what you enjoy.

For battlegrounds your faction will probably matter quite a bit (at least if you're playing on the PvP server). Horde has a lot more people queueing alone and they seem to usually win pug matches. But since more hordes queue, alliance has an easier time finding games as premade groups, which means they usually win by doing that.

For professions, the server you play on will also matter. If you're on the PvP server, there's not really a need for getting a crafting profession like BS since so many people already have them maxed. I'd recommend going mining/engi since you mainly want to PvP, or getting 2 gathering professions. Since the PvE server is so new, there's probably still a need for all professions, but I'd recommend mining/engi for PvP here too.

Re: What race for PvE/PvP

PostPosted: Fri Oct 23, 2015 5:55 pm
by Heldunder
i dont know what stats are best on alliance but other then tauren with the 5% more total health, racials aside, trolls have the best warrior stats at 60.

Re: What race for PvE/PvP

PostPosted: Fri Oct 23, 2015 10:04 pm
by vido
Orc/UD/Tauren are all good choices for pvp horde side. Gnome is the only pvp pick for alliance, 1min cooldown on escape artist in a patch where charge cant be used in combat is simply too op.

Orc/Human for PvE. If we're talking Orcs though, there aren't any great axes in AQ and beyond so your +5 axe skill isn't going to be as big of an advantage and it ruins the fun of getting upgrades when you're going to use the same axes during 3/4 major patches.