by magmcbride » Thu Oct 29, 2015 3:24 pm
In actual vanilla, my guild led server first progression as a horde guild without salv. Our tanks were arms (31/20/0) through all of MC/Ony and we never had much issue. Broodlord was the first time that TPS became problematic, so most of our tanks respecced to (31/5/15) including our MT. That got us through all of BWL without much trouble. By the time Naxx came out we had enough gold in our gbank to pay our tanks to spec between prot and fury as needed on different fights. During Naxx farm I was re-speccing four to six times a lockout between Fury and prot.
I can't really speak to the private server community, but it seems people here believe in min/maxxing far more. Also, if all you want to do is tank PvE content, consider that it's a lot less hassle to tank as prot spec.
That's my $0.02, enjoy your warrior!