Reseting agroo

Reseting agroo

by PhilipRed » Tue Nov 17, 2015 10:38 am

As fury dps warrior agroo is sometimes an issue, i have special problems against Vaelastrasz the Corrupt.

I obviously dont use heroic strike to burn rage, instead i use hamstring ( with wf) but in execute phase i do tons of damage and so tons of agroo.

Is there anything to reset that agroo? Maybe invulnerability potions, gnomish cloacking devide or something i dont know.

Thanks for the help!
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Re: Reseting agroo

by Monga » Tue Nov 17, 2015 2:52 pm

Better tanks would generally help you out.

Re: Reseting agroo

by Armilus » Tue Nov 17, 2015 3:24 pm

Even alliance warriors are threat capped on vael with blessing of salvation. I would recommend tranquil air totem over WF. On vael it's not the amount of damage you can put out that limits your DPS, it's the threat cap.

Off tanks can also spam execute on vael so they should be able to stay ahead of you on threat if you have threat reduction and they don't. (You will do more damage with execute because you have higher crit but the tanks should be able to stay ahead if you have 20% reduced threat).
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Re: Reseting agroo

by Undertanker » Wed Nov 18, 2015 12:07 am

Yeah pretty much an OT is not doing his job if you are limiting your HSs.

Pre 20 percent, OT should span Sunder and HS. While in def stance. At 20 they swap stance and spam execute and HS until time to move into position.

Now if for some reason on third rank you keep having issues, you may want to keep a could invincibility potions on you for when you know a tank swap is about to happen, but for what ever reason you are second on KTM, use that and chill for a moment.

2g pot < 40 people having to use consumables for a new attempt and repair cost.

Warlocks btw need to keep these too as they seem to be the biggest aggro whores, and we are not even at 16 debuffs yet.
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Re: Reseting agroo

by Plask » Wed Nov 18, 2015 8:05 am

Undertanker wrote:Yeah pretty much an OT is not doing his job if you are limiting your HSs.

Pre 20 percent, OT should span Sunder and HS. While in def stance. At 20 they swap stance and spam execute and HS until time to move into position.

Now if for some reason on third rank you keep having issues, you may want to keep a could invincibility potions on you for when you know a tank swap is about to happen, but for what ever reason you are second on KTM, use that and chill for a moment.

2g pot < 40 people having to use consumables for a new attempt and repair cost.

Warlocks btw need to keep these too as they seem to be the biggest aggro whores, and we are not even at 16 debuffs yet.

Technically they want to spam shield slam too but thats only IF first tank doesnt suck
Sidesprang wrote:Defcap is overrated at current state of the game.
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Re: Reseting agroo

by PhilipRed » Wed Nov 18, 2015 8:54 am

Undertanker wrote:
Now if for some reason on third rank you keep having issues, you may want to keep a could invincibility potions on you for when you know a tank swap is about to happen, but for what ever reason you are second on KTM, use that and chill for a moment.

2g pot < 40 people having to use consumables for a new attempt and repair cost.

So invulnerability potions reset aggro? or make you dont generate more?
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Re: Reseting agroo

by SnowFlakes » Wed Nov 18, 2015 9:02 am

PhilipRed wrote:
So invulnerability potions reset aggro? or make you dont generate more?

They function like a Blessing of Protection, where the boss will not target you for the duration of the spell, but you regain your previous aggro.
oh, ok.
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Re: Reseting agroo

by Heldunder » Sun Nov 22, 2015 6:51 pm

honestly as a warrior you should be limiting yourself on the dps side given the inharent "higher" agro a fury war will produce. one thing you can do is use cleave instead of HS.

and i never switch to execute, as a tank, i actually stay in def. works fine.
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