hoboX10 wrote:Very cool, looks great. Thanks! Just a few last questions:
So are any of the Arms talents worth getting before completing the Fury tree, or should he not touch those until he gets Bloodthirst?
Should shield specialization not be taken for the occasional switch to a 1H+shield while tanking dungeons? Or is 2H tanking totally viable for dungeons? I just want to be sure about this.
Does this mean any of the whirlwind weapons can be chosen or is the Axe still the best choice for other reason?
He should get Bloodthirst at 40 for sure. I'd also recommend picking up Piercing Howl and get 1 less point in Improved Cleave, since he's not necessarily looking to maximize dps while leveling and the utility from it is great.
You don't need a single point in protection to tank anything before 40-man raids. Using a 2H to tank is a bad idea though, just use 1H+shield even without speccing into it.
The whirlwind weapon choice doesn't matter too much imo. I'd still pick axe for the slower attack speed but if your friend prefers more steady rather than spiky rage generation he could go with the fast sword. Or mace, who cares :^)