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Leveling spec for a friend for PvE??

PostPosted: Tue Nov 17, 2015 11:11 am
by hoboX10
My friend is leveling a warrior to tank dungeons for us with, and we both know nothing about warriors. From quick research it seems that Arms is the best leveling spec to go with and can still tank well. But I can't find a talent build for Arms PvE, only PvP.

So is Arms actually the best to go for this, or is Fury better/easier? Keep in mind this is for a first-time warrior player.

A link to the vanillagaming DB talent tree would be most ideal and maybe specify which talents to start out with first. Thanks!!

Re: Leveling spec for a friend?

PostPosted: Tue Nov 17, 2015 11:59 am
by St0rfan
hoboX10 wrote:My friend is leveling a warrior to tank dungeons for us with, and we both know nothing about warriors. From quick research it seems that Arms is the best leveling spec to go with and can still tank well. But I can't find a talent build for Arms PvE, only PvP.

So is Arms actually the best to go for this, or is Fury better/easier? Keep in mind this is for a first-time warrior player.

A link to the vanillagaming DB talent tree would be most ideal and maybe specify which talents to start out with first. Thanks!!

2h fury is actually the optimal spec for lvling for these reasons:

1. It doesnt lock you down into a weapon specialization like Arms does.
2. Flurry/Enrage. (Also nice for tanking 5mans).
3. Better overall damage.

Here's the spec to go for:

Forget dualwield before lvl60. The penalty of dualwield is simply too harsh and penalizing when lvling, mainly due to the lack of +hit gear.

Re: Leveling spec for a friend for PvE??

PostPosted: Tue Nov 17, 2015 12:16 pm
by hoboX10
Very cool, looks great. Thanks! Just a few last questions:

So are any of the Arms talents worth getting before completing the Fury tree, or should he not touch those until he gets Bloodthirst?

Should shield specialization not be taken for the occasional switch to a 1H+shield while tanking dungeons? Or is 2H tanking totally viable for dungeons? I just want to be sure about this.

Does this mean any of the whirlwind weapons can be chosen or is the Axe still the best choice for other reason?

Re: Leveling spec for a friend for PvE??

PostPosted: Tue Nov 17, 2015 1:43 pm
by chunass
hoboX10 wrote:Very cool, looks great. Thanks! Just a few last questions:

So are any of the Arms talents worth getting before completing the Fury tree, or should he not touch those until he gets Bloodthirst?

Should shield specialization not be taken for the occasional switch to a 1H+shield while tanking dungeons? Or is 2H tanking totally viable for dungeons? I just want to be sure about this.

Does this mean any of the whirlwind weapons can be chosen or is the Axe still the best choice for other reason?

He should get Bloodthirst at 40 for sure. I'd also recommend picking up Piercing Howl and get 1 less point in Improved Cleave, since he's not necessarily looking to maximize dps while leveling and the utility from it is great.

You don't need a single point in protection to tank anything before 40-man raids. Using a 2H to tank is a bad idea though, just use 1H+shield even without speccing into it.

The whirlwind weapon choice doesn't matter too much imo. I'd still pick axe for the slower attack speed but if your friend prefers more steady rather than spiky rage generation he could go with the fast sword. Or mace, who cares :^)

Re: Leveling spec for a friend for PvE??

PostPosted: Wed Nov 18, 2015 8:51 am
by hoboX10
Sweet, thanks so much for the help guys.

Re: Leveling spec for a friend for PvE??

PostPosted: Sun Nov 22, 2015 4:14 pm
by Judvar
respec to arms at 40 for the mortal strike, it's pretty mandatory. I had to eat after every fight at 39, after that i was left with 70% health at worst.

Re: Leveling spec for a friend for PvE??

PostPosted: Sun Nov 22, 2015 4:53 pm
by Heldunder
Judvar wrote:respec to arms at 40 for the mortal strike, it's pretty mandatory. I had to eat after every fight at 39, after that i was left with 70% health at worst.

worst advice ever...

the consensus has been fury, or 2h fury is best for leveling. arms is only good if you plan on PVPing A LOT while leveling.

Re: Leveling spec for a friend for PvE??

PostPosted: Sun Nov 22, 2015 6:15 pm
by vido
Fury is worse for levelling unless you enrage sit.

Re: Leveling spec for a friend for PvE??

PostPosted: Sun Nov 22, 2015 6:57 pm
by Heldunder
vido wrote:Fury is worse for levelling unless you enrage sit.

being that ive leveled both fury and arms... i can personally attest fury takes DAYS off your leveling. fury is amazing for leveling, arms is terrible. its been agreed upon by every one here.

Re: Leveling spec for a friend for PvE??

PostPosted: Sun Nov 22, 2015 7:22 pm
by vido
Have you ever heard of sweeping strikes, weapon specs, imp 2h spec, tactical mastery, mortal strike? Flurry is pretty terrible outside of raids in bad gear, death wish isn't great for grinding mobs. You gain 5% crit and imp bshout and piercing howl, none of that matches sweeping strikes and the other arms perks.

The only thing fury has going for it is proccing enrage in between autos, which makes it better for grinding one mob at a time.

You're making a claim and not even trying to prove it. No one needs your opinion if you have nothing to say.