Trying to build a Fury BiS list, need help.

Trying to build a Fury BiS list, need help.

by Skorn » Wed Nov 25, 2015 2:55 pm

Hey guys, im trying to make a fury BiS list for personal reference to keep track of where I need to upgrade my gear and with what. so far I have this list based off information I found on these forums.

I want to update it to include ZG items but i'd also like to hear if you guys have any other suggestions.


-Head : Lionheart Helm (crafted)

-Neck: Onyxia Tooth pendant (Onyxia Head)

-Shoulder: Drake Talon (BWL Firemaw, Ebonroc, Flamegor)

-Chest: Legionnaire's plate hauberk (PVP Rank 8) > BP of Bloodthirst (Crafted) > Deathdealers (BRD Summoners Tomb)

-Cloak: Cloak of draconic might (BWL Trash) > Puissant Cloak (Azuregos)

-Bracer: Wristguards of the True Flight (MC Domo) > Wristguards of Stability (MC Lucifron, Gehennas, Shazzrah, Harbinger)

-Ranged: Striker's Mark (MC Magmadar)

-Gloves: Edgemaster's (BoE) > Flameguard (MC Magmadar, Garr, Gedon, Golemagg) > General's (PvP Rank 12)

-Belt: Onslaught Girdle (MC Rag)

-Legs: Legionnaires (PvP Rank 8, coupled with R8 Chest) > General's plate leggings (PVP Rank 12) > Cloudkeepers (BoE)

-Boots: Chromatic boots (BWL Chromaggus)

-ring 1: Quick Strike ring (MC Magmadar, Garr, Gedon, Golemagg)

-ring 2: Master Dragonslayer's ring (Nef's Head) > Don Julios (AV Exalted)

-trinket 1: Drake Fang Talisman (BWL Ebonroc)

-trinket 2: Hand of Justice (BRD Emp)


-MH Orcs: HWL ( PVP R14) > Crul'shorukh (BWL Nef) > Deathbringer (Onyxia)

-MH other race: HWL (PVP R14) >= Ironfoe (BRD Emp) > Vis'kag (Onyxia) > Chromatically Tempered Sword (BWL Chromaggus)

-OH Orcs: Felstriker (UBRS Rend) > Crul'shorukh (BWL Nef) = HWL axe (PVP R14) > CHT (MC Domo) = Doom's Edge (BWL Trash) > Deathbringer (Onyxia) = Brutality Blade (MC Garr) > Flurry Axe (BoE)

-OH every other race: Felstriker (UBRS Rend) > HWL dagger (PVP R14) > Maladath (BWL Broodlord) > CHT (MC Domo) > Brutality Blade (MC Garr) > Bonescraper (Strat UD)

I'm aware that edges are only BiS for bosses so I was thinking Flameguards for trashes / bosses under level 63?
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Re: Trying to build a Fury BiS list, need help.

by Vauldie » Wed Nov 25, 2015 3:30 pm

Nice list and probably overall fairly correct. I got some opinions though.
As always BIS compared to currently equipped items will vary depending on your current items (hit cap in particular, see for example neck and shoulder choices).

R12 legs are definitely BIS for current available gear, you can swap out shoulders for R10 shoulders and still get the setbonus.

Im going to presume you're horde since the weapon choices doesnt reflect Human racials.

Maladath (obviously) only really shines if your mainhand is also a sword.

I strongly suspect Felstriker is overrated; I got it and I'm not very impressed with its performance but to be fair I havent gotten a GG offhand to compare it with.

Re: Trying to build a Fury BiS list, need help.

by St0rfan » Wed Nov 25, 2015 4:04 pm

I would like to add that weapon of choice is very circumstatial. Viskag in MH and CTS in OH might actually be BiS even for an Orc using Edgemasters. I suspect DB is weaker than many think beacuse:

1. The proc-damage is low.
2. Proc-rate is also low (I have been told). Since I dont have it myself I havent been able to run it with procwatch.
3. It is shadow, so it can be resisted (Viskag proc cannot be resisted to my knowledge).

Again. second hand information since I play as prot here and havent been able to fetch these weapons for testing.
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Re: Trying to build a Fury BiS list, need help.

by Skorn » Wed Nov 25, 2015 5:55 pm

St0rfan wrote:I would like to add that weapon of choice is very circumstatial. Viskag in MH and CTS in OH might actually be BiS even for an Orc using Edgemasters. I suspect DB is weaker than many think beacuse:

1. The proc-damage is low.
2. Proc-rate is also low (I have been told). Since I dont have it myself I havent been able to run it with procwatch.
3. It is shadow, so it can be resisted (Viskag proc cannot be resisted to my knowledge).

Again. second hand information since I play as prot here and havent been able to fetch these weapons for testing.

As someone who uses dual DB atm my experience has been a really low proc rate. I'm usually a little surprised when it does proc. Maybe i just dont notice it most of the time though.

Vauldie wrote: I strongly suspect Felstriker is overrated; I got it and I'm not very impressed with its performance but to be fair I havent gotten a GG offhand to compare it with.

This is a big thing I was considering. I've heard so much unofficially about the proc being nerfed several times that im starting to think its not as good as it was.
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Re: Trying to build a Fury BiS list, need help.

by St0rfan » Wed Nov 25, 2015 7:33 pm

Skorn wrote:
St0rfan wrote:I would like to add that weapon of choice is very circumstatial. Viskag in MH and CTS in OH might actually be BiS even for an Orc using Edgemasters. I suspect DB is weaker than many think beacuse:

1. The proc-damage is low.
2. Proc-rate is also low (I have been told). Since I dont have it myself I havent been able to run it with procwatch.
3. It is shadow, so it can be resisted (Viskag proc cannot be resisted to my knowledge).

Again. second hand information since I play as prot here and havent been able to fetch these weapons for testing.

As someone who uses dual DB atm my experience has been a really low proc rate. I'm usually a little surprised when it does proc. Maybe i just dont notice it most of the time though.

Vauldie wrote: I strongly suspect Felstriker is overrated; I got it and I'm not very impressed with its performance but to be fair I havent gotten a GG offhand to compare it with.

This is a big thing I was considering. I've heard so much unofficially about the proc being nerfed several times that im starting to think its not as good as it was.

Run the addon called procwatch on DB to get a definitive result.
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Re: Trying to build a Fury BiS list, need help.

by Skorn » Wed Nov 25, 2015 9:54 pm

St0rfan wrote:Run the addon called procwatch on DB to get a definitive result.

Will do this weekend when im not drowning in term papers and reply here with what i find.

Till then, still looking for suggestions on ZG drops to add to the list.
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Re: Trying to build a Fury BiS list, need help.

by Vauldie » Thu Nov 26, 2015 9:42 am

I could be wrong but IIRC the only gear piece upgrade in ZG from currently available fury gear is the neck from Hakkar (provided you got enough hit from other pieces, which you would in a true BiS scenario). Storfan could give you an answer I'm sure.

As an aside note, Hakkari warblade set performs surprisingly well in the stickied spreadsheet.

Re: Trying to build a Fury BiS list, need help.

by vido » Thu Nov 26, 2015 11:07 am

You nearly got the bis armor right, replace r8 chest with cadaverous and drake talon with r10 shoulder and you're good.

Regarding weapons, I'd go crul/dooms due to the flurry bug on this server (if you're an orc). And swap for ZG set for sub20.

Edit: I put that list together that you copied in a pinch so it's missing some weapons and I shouldn't have ranked felstriker so highly, since I don't know the proc rate on this realm. Ironfoe also shouldn't be up there in it's current state, since it's still unfixed.
Last edited by vido on Thu Nov 26, 2015 11:40 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Trying to build a Fury BiS list, need help.

by St0rfan » Thu Nov 26, 2015 11:33 am

Vauldie wrote:I could be wrong but IIRC the only gear piece upgrade in ZG from currently available fury gear is the neck from Hakkar (provided you got enough hit from other pieces, which you would in a true BiS scenario). Storfan could give you an answer I'm sure.

As an aside note, Hakkari warblade set performs surprisingly well in the stickied spreadsheet.

Neck from Hakkar is indeed the superior choice lasting until AQ40 and the Fankriss neck.
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Re: Trying to build a Fury BiS list, need help.

by Overtime » Thu Nov 26, 2015 11:42 am

Hakkari sword set is alright for executing. Elemental sharpening bug just makes it not worth it.
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