Why isn't dual wield Fury the best leveling spec?

Why isn't dual wield Fury the best leveling spec?

by sownu » Sun Dec 13, 2015 1:16 am

Dual wield adds 19% miss chance to white hits (?) so basically you could take average DPS of 2-hand weapon and compare it to average DPS of two one hand weapons (50% penalty to off-hand) - 19% of that.

For pure white dps, not taking any talents whatsoever into account, it comes out as a very slight win in favour of 2-hand. So slight that its negated by using 2 levels higher one-hands. (i.e. 2x lvl green 24 axes will do more white dps than green lvl 22 two-handed mace)

But when fury talents are added into mix, Dual wield specialization + Flurry, that slight advantage of 2 handed weapon vanishes. (otherwise everyone would use 2h at 60 level for dps too, no?) and dual wielding two one-hands start to do MORE white dps than same level 2h.

Then there are other perks of dual wield: 1) Smoother rage gen and more rage generally since you do more damage 2) less oh-shit moments when your slow 2-hander misses twice in a row

I dont think difference is big, but for me it seems like dual-wield fury simply does more damage when leveling, and has smoother gameplay, assuming same level and rarity weapons.
Senior Sergeant
Senior Sergeant

Re: Why isn't dual wield Fury the best leveling spec?

by Chillout » Sun Dec 13, 2015 1:28 am

If you constantly upgrade (afford) your weapons it's fine. But doing 21 lvls with Whirlwind Axe to Ice Barbed Spear is common.
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Re: Why isn't dual wield Fury the best leveling spec?

by SuperDuck » Sun Dec 13, 2015 9:35 am

Chillout wrote:If you constantly upgrade (afford) your weapons it's fine. But doing 21 lvls with Whirlwind Axe to Ice Barbed Spear is common.

Depending on your luck you might not get IBS while being 51 though. Im 4000/12000 in honored and havent got credit for the Korrak quest yet, though ive done him thrice.

Re: Why isn't dual wield Fury the best leveling spec?

by Vanill » Sun Dec 13, 2015 3:23 pm

Hit chance

Re: Why isn't dual wield Fury the best leveling spec?

by Heldunder » Sun Dec 13, 2015 4:06 pm

Vanill wrote:Hit chance

next time read the post before commenting.
Sergeant Major
Sergeant Major

Re: Why isn't dual wield Fury the best leveling spec?

by JeeTee » Sun Dec 13, 2015 8:45 pm

If you were to grind green level mobs one by one dual wield fury is the most efficient. It's also a very boring way to level in my opinion.
Senior Sergeant
Senior Sergeant

Re: Why isn't dual wield Fury the best leveling spec?

by vido » Sun Dec 13, 2015 10:45 pm

Have fun cleaving and whirlwinding mobs while dual wielding, I'm certain you'll have a great time.
Sergeant Major
Sergeant Major

Re: Why isn't dual wield Fury the best leveling spec?

by Heldunder » Sun Dec 13, 2015 10:48 pm

vido wrote:Have fun cleaving and whirlwinding mobs while dual wielding, I'm certain you'll have a great time.

have fun having a poor understanding of your class. ;)
Sergeant Major
Sergeant Major

Re: Why isn't dual wield Fury the best leveling spec?

by maud » Mon Dec 14, 2015 1:31 am

Once you get rfd/sm weaps, dual wield fury is best. Just tested it earlier at 38. About 15 more dps than the whirlwjnd axe.

Re: Why isn't dual wield Fury the best leveling spec?

by TwoRedShoes » Mon Dec 14, 2015 2:20 am

Your math is wrong. You don't take the average dps of a two hander compared to the average dps of a main hand, 50% off hand and -19%. You are forgetting about dps added from attack power.

For example: my level 50 Warrior is using a two-hander with average dps of 42. With my ~750 ap, he gets an added 40 dps. with a 5% chance to miss my dps is 78 all white. Or:
(42+40)*0.95 = 77.9

With optimal gear fury warriors at that level would be using 35dps one-handers:
(35+17.5+40)*0.81 = 74.9

With dual-wield specialization:
(35+22+40)*0.81 = 78.6

Flurry I won't consider more beneficial for DW than 2-handers while leveling since at that point no warrior has enough crit to near maintain flurry.

So, DW has more white dps by less than 1% (discounting ap from Battle Shout, which actually puts 2h back in the lead). But I don't care about white dps. My slams and WWs hit harder than my BTs. They also miss less than yellow attacks for DW.

Also, while DW may have "smoother" rage gen, it doesn't have better rage gen.


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