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Gear required to run UBRS?
Sat Dec 19, 2015 1:49 am
by Rarfoster
Hello again, everyone!
I hit 60 this week and I have already begun collecting my BiS tank gear. I noticed some of it is found in UBRS. Is there any specific gear requirements to start doing runs as a tank, or can I safely walk in there as a fresh 60? I only have a few mid 50 greens, but the rest is early-mid 50 blues.
Re: Gear required to run UBRS?
Sat Dec 19, 2015 2:49 am
by JeeTee
Nope, bring 3 healers if you are worried. Shield wall on rend. GL
Re: Gear required to run UBRS?
Sat Dec 19, 2015 7:22 am
by St0rfan
Rarfoster wrote:Hello again, everyone!
I hit 60 this week and I have already begun collecting my BiS tank gear. I noticed some of it is found in UBRS. Is there any specific gear requirements to start doing runs as a tank, or can I safely walk in there as a fresh 60? I only have a few mid 50 greens, but the rest is early-mid 50 blues.
You might not want to maintank in that gear but as offtank you will be fine. As Jeetee put it, make use of shieldwall (and last stand for that matter).
Re: Gear required to run UBRS?
Sat Dec 19, 2015 7:47 am
by DanielGames
I've healed ubrs runs where we had a resto spec bear druid offtank and we did fine.
Re: Gear required to run UBRS?
Sun Dec 20, 2015 6:26 pm
by Heldunder
20g per run, ill MT it for you, im in mostly BWL gear. pst in game if interested.
(youll have no one to fight for gear with.
also run as much ranged DPS as possible, it makes the run easier on you and healers.
Re: Gear required to run UBRS?
Tue Jan 05, 2016 11:21 am
by TaazDingoo
I've maintanked most bosses in there as fury with pretty abyssmal tanking gear. Rend hits hard, and the beast can crit you pretty beastly (hehe) but other than that, you'll be fine. Just make sure to pull and position correctly, and have good healers (Cant have a questing-green druid healing here).
Re: Gear required to run UBRS?
Thu Jan 07, 2016 10:35 pm
by zmandude24
Rarfoster wrote:Hello again, everyone!
I hit 60 this week and I have already begun collecting my BiS tank gear. I noticed some of it is found in UBRS. Is there any specific gear requirements to start doing runs as a tank, or can I safely walk in there as a fresh 60? I only have a few mid 50 greens, but the rest is early-mid 50 blues.
You are more than ready to OT it and you can MT it if you have decently geared healers and know what you are doing. I MTd it at level 59 and we got through it without much trouble. You will want to have your CDs ready if you MT it on rend. However, I advise you get a more geared MT to make it run smoother in your current gear.
Re: Gear required to run UBRS?
Fri Jan 08, 2016 7:13 pm
by Armilus
I would start with BRD gear, get everything useful out of there and get anything that can be crafted first. If you are 300 blacksmith the darksoul set is pretty cheap, get someone to make it for you.
Once you have the BRD gear you should be fine to run scholo with a group that has some good CC (you can do scholo with no tank). Strath UD should also be doable with some CC.
After a few runs of those you should be able to do DM W and if you have darksoul with set bonus you could probably jump into UBRS and maybe even DM N (last boss hits like a truck).
Re: Gear required to run UBRS?
Tue Jan 12, 2016 3:01 am
by Dr. Doom
Level 50s quest rewards/dungeon drops of uncommon/rare quality that are somehow useful for tanking. Nothing more.